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Time skip to end of Black Friday (nothing changed in the plot) unfortunately.

The jets roar overhead as Emma drives her brother in law's sedan down the twisted hatchetfield roads. Tom sighs next to her. He misses Jane, he does, but it is getting harder and harder to remember.  It's been a year. His girlfriend, Becky Barnes, is sat, next to Paul with Tim inbetween them. Paul scrunches himself into the corner so not to disturb Tim's slumber, it as after all midnight. His head rests on Becky's shoulder as she looks out the window, absentmindedly. They draw up to the witch woods and she shrivel away, memories of what had happened there still fresh in her mind. Behind her, Hannah also turns away at the passing woodland, nightmare time seeming all too real. Lex sits, slumped next to her. Her stomach bulges slightly and her tears are wet with tears. Hearing Hannah recall his death was too hard to bear and it was too much, especially with the pregnancy hormones.

"We're here." Emma declares. A tall, thin, impressive manor with 2 visible balconies and 3 floors towers in front of the cad as it pulls into the driveway. Paul ducks out from his seat to Emma who strides up to the door and presses the doorbell.  Tim is being carried by his father as Lex stretches her back.
"Who is it?" A gruff voice calls out from the intercom.
Emma gasps with joy.
"Professor Hidgens, I-"
"Don't lie to me, whoever you are. I'm Professor Hidgens." Emma clarifies her identity and the man known as Professor Hidgens unlocks the door. The manor is quite theatrical with red, velvet curtains and a wall of playbills. An old, greying man hurries into the room. Emma begins to introduce this gentlemen the the group, or Paul at least.

"Sorry to interrupt Professor, Is there anywhere we can sit down?"
Hidgens nods and escorts them through a doorway and into a dark velvet and industrial grey themed bar area. Tom places Tim down on a sofa and perches next to him, Becky taking the seat to his right. With Lex also seated, Hidgens begins to explain how they should all stay in the grounds until this is cleared up and how the lab is off limits unless he allows entry. He then shows everyone their rooms for the night and retreats down, supposedly to the lab. Lex ends up with Hannah which they both appreciate as they prepare for bed. It suddenly crosses Lex's mind that the others don't know of her condition and she goes downstairs to where the adults are. She asks for a word in private to her teacher and Tom follows her out to the entrance hall. There, Lex confesses and Tom assures her that he will inform the professor should he get a chance. She thanks him and returns to her sister, who has fallen asleep on Lex's bed. She smiles as she curls up next to her and closes her eyes.

An - yeah, hi. I wrote this at 11:45 pm so if shit doesn't make sense, that's why. Pls call me out if I made any mistakes. Also I want to apologise if I type wrong, i am on my tablet instead of my phone so the screen is much larger and the keyboard for symbols is different. 

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