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Time skip to when Bill and Paul have left for Alice.

The door slams shut and Lex wakes with a jump. Glancing around the room, Hannah and Tim are colouring some drawings, probably to keep Tim quiet. Her sister notices that she has woken and informs her.
"Emma and Paul came back with three other guys and a lady. I think I heard the lady singing with one of them, they said earlier about one being infected, I think his name was Sam. Paul went with one of the other guys to save his daughter, Alice I think. What? "
Lex has bolted upright.
"Alice? As in Alice Woodward?"
"Umm. I don't know. Why?"
"She's an old friend. Her dad is called Bill. I think Paul has mentioned his buddy Bill a couple of times."
Hannah nods, storing the new information. Suddenly, Webby says in her ear.
"Go downstairs. The Professor has been confunded. He knows. About me, that is. He thinks the hive is good."
Hannah nods and turns to a slightly confused Lex.
"Doctor Hidgens needs our help. Leave Tim up here."
Lex, still confused, follows Hannah downstairs. Following Webby's instructions, Hannah opened the lab door to find Emma and Ted tied to chairs. Professor Hidgens is monologuing. He turns at the sound of the door.
"Well well well. We have a teen and her little sis. How sweet. Will I have to  tie you up or will you come to your senses?"
Hannah smirks.
"I don't think Webby would like that."
Hidgens freezes for a moment then relaxes.
"Well she is a stupid bitch."
"Oh really? What about that time with Chad. She saved you then."
Hannah retorts, unsure of how she knows about this. Hidgens also seems to be thinking the same thing as he battles internally. Eventually, he drops the syringe and sighs with relief.
"I can't thank you enough Hannah. I truely apologise for what I've said and done. It just kind of took over me."
Hidgens unties Emma and Ted.
"But you... How do you know about Webby or Chad?"
"I can hear Webby too. And I don't know anything about what happened with Chad, I think Webby just kind of took over. She does that sometimes."
Hidgens nods, ignoring the bewildered looks of those around them.
"Who the fu- who are they?"
"Well Ted," The professor begins. Hannah picks up on how carefully he says his name. Almost lovingly.
"This is Hannah and Lex. They are both staying here after the incident a couple of days ago. There is also a little boy called Tim somewhere upstairs."
Ted nods. Suddenly the entrance request buzzes and Hidgens goes to the intercom.
"Who is it?"
"Paul. I am with Bill and his daughter Alice."
Hidgens presses another button.
"I've let you in."
He beckons the others upstairs and they follow like a flock of sheep.

Alice is slumped in a chair when they arrive, face red from tears. Her father snakes an arm round her back but she pushes him away, not wanting physical contact.
"It was a bit tough but we made it."
Emma runs up to Paul and kisses him, passionately. It draws out for a minute or so before they break apart.
"Sorry, I just..."
"No. No its fine."
Lex stands beside Alice at the armchair.
"Alice. Are you OK?"
Alice looks up, apparently just noticing her surroundings.
"Not really."
This answer shocks Lex. She is usually so optimistic.
"Deb. She's gone. No one seems to know how I feel."
"I do."
Alice looks up inquisitivly.
"Ethan's gone too. He went a few months ago. It's so depressing. You find yourself putting all the blame on you and you cannot be convinced otherwise. I know. You treasure anything they gave to you. For me, It's the baby. For Hannah, it's his hat."
"I don't have anything."
"You have your memories. They don't have to be physical. You will live with those memories until you're ready to let them go. No one is forcing you to and maybe you never will. It's up to you. I'm always free to talk." Lex leaves Alice so she can go and talk to Tim who has come from upstairs, wondering what is going on. Alice stops and just sits, pensive.

An ~ holy shit. That got deep.

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