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From under the towel, a peppy ginger calls out.
"Lex? OK sweetie, you're dilated and it's time to push. Can everyone please leave."
Tom, Bill, Emma and Paul leave. Hidgens goes to leave but Lex stops him.
"No, Please Professor. Stay."
Hidgens nods.
"You can call me Henry."
Lex smiles but her expression quickly contracts into one of agony. She clasps Henry's hand as the pain comes.

"You're doing great, Lex. I'm so proud of you." Henry stammers.
"Just one more push, Lex."
"One more time and then you can have a nap or you can have a nice wash, okay, but you're going to have to push just once more. You can do this."
Lex pushes when a baby wails. She is filled with relief and pride in herself.

Hannah enters on a loving scene, almost family - like. Her sister is propped up against the pillows with her hand tightly gripping the Professor's who sits beside her. Becky stands in one corner, prepping the baby. She notices Hannah and slips out of the room quietly. The small teen approaches her big sister cautiously and gives her a gentle hug.
"You OK, Lexi?"
"Tired and weak but generally alright."
Hannah nods.
"You're an auntie now. How do you feel about that?"
"It's really cool." Hannah replies but Lex isn't listening. She clamps the Professor's hand tightly and looks up at Hannah.
"Hannah." She begins, her voice high.
"Hannah, get Becky."
Confused but wanting to help, Hannah finds Becky and tells her Lex wants her. Becky nods and tells Hannah to go back upstairs with Tim.

20 minutes later, Henry is striding up the stairs, tears in his eyes.
"Twins. Two Boys."
A chorus of "Awww" fills the room. Alice, who refused to go back upstairs since Lex is her best friend, asks.
"What are their names?"
"Ethan and..." Hidgens beams, proudly. "Henry."
Ted, Alice and Emma smile, understanding why the Professor is so excited, some of the others look pleased but slightly confused as to why those names have been chosen. Henry explains.
"Ethan is the name of Lex's boyfriend and the father who died in the mall. And my name is Henry."
The late awww echos around.
"Is she ready for visitors?" Lex's old shop teacher asks.
"Not just now, she's exhausted, but after."
They all nod and Tom strides upstairs, proud tears in his eyes. He opens the door to Hannah and Lex's room. Tim and Hannah look up from their drawings.
"Is Lexi OK? I went in and she told me to go get Becky. When I did, Becky told me to come here."
"She's fine. You have 2 nephews."
Hannah gasps with joy.
"What are their names?"
"Ethan and Henry."
Hannah nods, the smile not leaving her face.
"Lex is asleep at the moment but when she wakes, you will be the first to see her."
Hannah beams.

2 hours later, Lex is visited by her little sister. Henry smiles and leaves the room, passing Baby Henry over to Hannah who takes him nervously.
"This is your Auntie Hannah." Lex says to her boys, one in Hannah's arms and one is hers. One glance at Lex shows how emotional and weak she is. Her eyes are wet with tears, cheeks red and she is laid back on the cushions.
"If only he was here with us."
Hannah turns, realising exactly how broken her sister is.
"He is. In spirit."
Lex squeezes her arm, unable to speak without her voice breaking.

Becky slips into the room and, smiling, snaps a photo of the family moment. Hidgens appears behind her. She smiles and motions for him to join them, which he does. Together, Grandfather figure, Aunt, Newly mother and the two (grand) sons. Framed in the perfect picture.

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