Chapter 5

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Rosie's POV

I woke up to the smell of bacon and beagles. Yeah, I can identify bacon and beagles miles away, it's a gift I got from my dad. I stretched in bed. The glorious smell went straight to my nostrils making my stomach growl. I went to the bathroom and washed my face with the cold water eliminating any trace of sleep. I looked at the mirror. My face filled with little drops of water. A bird nest was laid on top of my head, oh wait, that's my hair. It was a total mess.

My wavy brown hair wasn't curly it was in a big knot. I tried to put my hair in a pony tail, or something that seemed like it and headed downstairs. The house was quite as usual for the exception of a loud music coming from the kitchen. I opened the door and I almost fell to the floor laughing. Nikki was shaking her bum fiercely to the beat of the song. The laughter inside me couldn't be hold down for too long. A single movement from her while putting butter to the beagle was what it took for me to roll on the floor laughing.

The knife slipped from her hand at the sound of my laughter. I felt the abs coming out as I, literary, rolled on the floor. My sides were clenching and hurting. Tears were spilling down from the corners of my eyes. When I was only left in chuckles, I sat on the floor cleaning my tears.

"You know it's bad to spy." Nikki said bending to pick up the knife.

I chuckled. "It's not my fault you decided to move like a happy dog in my kitchen." I said standing up from the floor and plopping my bum on the stool.

"That my darling, is dancing." She said as she placed a plate with bacon and beagles on the table. "Put your jealous feelings aside." She said sitting next to me. I munched happily the peace of heaven that was in front of me; it was glorious. After minutes of comfortable silence, Nikki spoke up.

"Your parents called and told me that we need to go to a party tonight, at Harry's house. It's mandatory." I just rolled my eyes. My parents weren't even here and they already ordered me to go to a party.

"I can't go." I said as I grabbed my, now, empty plate to the sink. I didn't turn my face to her because she would have probably read my face. I hoped she would buy this excuse. For you wondering, Harry is one of those guys, that lives in money and don't care about people outside his lame bubble. He claims I am his, the thing he don't know is that I'll never date him even if my life was depending on it. That boy deems that because I was his neighbor and we had dinner, with our parents, he had some certain property over me. I would rather date... Jake. I needed to stop bringing his name to my mind.

"And why is that?"

"Umm... I don't have a dress." I said. As a matter of fact I don't have one.

"Well then get ready, we're going shopping." Nikki said finishing with the dishes. Cursing under my breath I cleaned the table and dried the dishes. I needed to write a book about excuses to not go to a party your parents made you go.

When I got out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around my body. I stood in front of the mirror. The steam of the water clouded the mirror. Inside, it was like a steamy room, I couldn't breathe properly due to the fervor. I went to my drawers and took my black lace bra and panties, then went to my closet. I pulled out a summer dress that went just above my knees and my brown sandals. I applied my basic makeup: foundation, mascara, blush and a coat of lip gloss. I headed downstairs and saw Nik sat on the couch texting to someone smiling like a Cheshire cat. I needed to ask her about that cheeky smile of hers.


We arrived at the mall. The whole way from the house up to the mall, Nik was texting while grinning all the way. I caught some quick glances while I was driving and I thought I saw her blushing. We entered in Forever21. We were walking the stores in circle without a clue of what we were wearing tonight.

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