Chapter 10

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Rosie’s POV

Watching SpongeBob Squarepants was the only thing getting me occupied while I was waiting for Jake to come. Luckily, the bruise was gone, not completely, my cheek still had the purple trace but nothing make up can cover. Thankfully, my parents left with the Smith’s for a business trip.

“I can’t hear you; it’s too dark in here.”

I was laughing so hard I could feel the abs coming out. What’s with cartoons these days? I wipe some tears that fell from the corners of my eyes. This cartoon is really something, why are they still running this? I wasn’t laughing because it was funny, but of how stupid it was.

Suddenly the bell rang. I turned the T.V. off as I fixed my dress. It was a white lace long sleeved dress; it finished mid thigh. I had to admit this dress hugged my curves perfectly making them stand out and thanks to the gold laced pumps I was wearing my legs looked longer than usual. I opened the door, when I was done fixing my dress, Jake stood there with a huge grin on his face. His gaze went up and down my body staring at it intently with his mouth slightly open. I felt as if he was undressing me, but surprisingly I wasn’t uncomfortable; it felt nice to have some male attention, for once.

“You look gorgeous.” He said when he was done staring.

“Thanks.” A slight blush crept to my cheeks making him smirk. “You don’t look too bad yourself.” He really looked dashing. A light blue shirt covered his chest and he wore perfectly some black jeans. He looked breathtaking using such simple apparel.

“Shall we?” He offered his hand to me and I gladly took it.


A big line was the first thing I noticed when we arrived at the venue. The club looked new, probably that explain the queue. Dark Eclipse was the name of it; the letters were glowing in a platinum color illuminating the murky summer night. Jake guided us straight to the door. To our surprise, he high-fived the security guy in which the scary man reciprocated his actions by patting him on his back. Jake shouted a, “they are with me” over the music loud enough the man could hear. He opened the door for us and let us in making the people outside groan.

As soon as we stepped inside, a smell of smoke filled my nose. Color lights illuminating the whole place, neon lights made the place more interesting. Loud music was blaring through the speakers prompting people to dance; the dancefloor was packed. We all walked to a table full of people laughing and drinking and talking. They stopped what they were doing to look at us. Everybody in the table stood up to greet Jake and Chris. Jake laid his hand on my back and guided me to the group of people. When some of the people’s gaze landed on me and on Jake’s hand on my back, they gasped shocked, but their expression slowly changed and they approached to me and Nikki.

"I'm going to get a drink for all of us". Jake said as he stood up. I watched him and smiled at him, but he just ignored me. What's wrong with him?! Sometimes I wish I could see inside Jake’s head. We sat on the table and from here I saw Jake hugging tightly a girl with blonde hair and purple end. She kissed his cheek leaving her red lipstick on it. He whispered something on her ear making her giggle. A pang of jealousy came over me at how close they were. I knew I shouldn’t get jealous; we weren’t anything really, but that simple gesture made me envious.

“Don’t worry about him, that’s Hayley.” I looked at the girl who said that. She had brown locks with blue highlights. What’s up with these girls and color hair? She had piercing grey eyes and long eyelashes, in other words she was stunning. “She is like a sister to him, we are all family, but they have sort of like a bond.” When I move my gaze to where Jake and Hayley were, they weren’t there. I saw Jake’s dirty blonde hair over the bar. “I’m Jade.” She said offering me a warm smile, which I reciprocated.

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