Chapter 35

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Rosie's POV

Beads of sweat covered my body and trickled down my back. Tears ran fast down my cheeks. Pain, it was the only thing I was feeling, the agonizing pain clouded my senses. I screamed unable to do anything because of my tied wrists. I arched my back from the chair trying to free myself but it was no use. Blood seeped uncontrollably from the wound on my left arm. It felt numb yet it was the most painful thing I have ever experienced.

Earlier, two men had entered the room when I was unsuccessfully trying to undo the knot. One of them was tall with feathery black hair while the other one had medium height with ginger hair, yet both of them were strong and well-built. The one with black hair had introduced himself as Ryan and had said the ginger was named Michael. They, both, gave me the chill mostly Michael with his wicked smile and narrowed eyes.

"So basically we are here to try something, hope you don't mind." Michael slowly had said.

Ryan had left the ginger's side and went to the weapon's wall. No, they are going to kill me. I'm going to die right now. Tears had escaped my eyes. I can't die, I don't want to die. Crying, that was all I was doing lately since I was tied to this chair. "Please don't kill me, I will do anything but please don't kill me." I had pleaded with tears streaming down my face.

Michael gave my his infamous smile while Ryan stood behind him with a phone in hand which was familiar to me. I had looked at the phone clearer and saw it was mine. What are they going to do with it? The ginger man crouched to my level and gave me a devil yet sympathetic look. With his hand he had wiped some tears from my face. "I can't promise anything, baby and please don't cry the fun hasn't even started yet."

At that more tears fell from my sore eyes. They are really going to kill me. Ryan had passed the knife to Michael while he dialed a number from my phone, thankfully the volume was up so I could hear who they were going to talk. Why do they needed a knife if they are going to call someone? I couldn't stop myself from crying and that made the headache I was feeling increase.

The ringing of the phone had stopped and the voice on the end made my heart clench. It was him, the person I was dreading to see, the person I needed the most at that moment. I had opened my mouth to scream his name, but Michael hand covered my mouth before I could even formulate the first letter of his name.

"Don't even think about it. A single word and this knife as fast as you see it will slice your throat." He hissed in my ear making me shiver at the closeness of his presence.

Jake. My breathing was erratic and my chest was rising up and down. Jake on the other line asked for me; at the sound of his voice, more tears fell down. Why aren't they answering back? Michael somehow knew what I was thinking and gave me a menacing look. Ryan put the phone on speaker and the way Jake said baby broke my heart right there; he was hurting and I was the cause of it.

Ryan had shot a nod to Michael, that was what it took for hell to start.

Michael determinately walked to me and if I was nothing stabbed the knife on my left arm. I screamed at the sudden intrusion and  the intense pain it caused me. I blocked everything outside except for unbearable pain and the crimson liquid that was swiftly falling from the wound. Ryan walked to me and roughly retrieved the knife from my arm making me shout.

That was what got me to where I was now, moving in the chair looking for a way to ease the hurt. The pain wasn't subsiding and neither was the blood. It became agonizing, a dull throbbing pain clouding all my senses. I screamed again unable to contain the ache, unable to do something to assist the wound.

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