Chapter 40

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Jake’s POV

When we arrived at my dad’s house the Captain told his troop to hide behind some bushes until he gave the order for them to come inside. I thought it was ridiculous how the Captain flaunt he had the power and controlled everything he could. Stupid powerful people. In the future, when me and Rosie get powerful and she would be known as the best photographer in the city and I would be a great graphic designer, we would then be able to show off and be stupid powerful people together.

Then it struck me .

All this time, I was uncertain of everything. I didn’t know whether I wanted to do something productive in life or whether I would actually survive. But then this hazel -eyed girl came and swept me off my feet and made me realize there was hope, even for an unfortunate soul like me. She made me want to be someone, just for her, therefore when she goes to future parties she could brag how her husband was in New York designing for some important company. I was looking forward for having a future, for making my dreams come true, and make everything right for once. All of my achievements and accomplishment, I would love to experience them with Rosie, and only her.

I was brought back to reality when Rosie’s dad called my name and I think he had called me more than once because of the annoyed expression he wore. My palms began to sweat as I knocked on the door, but the most weird thing happened. The door flung opened as soon as my fist came in contact with it. It was definitely strange because my dad was a security freak therefore unless there was someone else inside, my dad, by his own will, wouldn’t have left the door open.

I turned around and told the Captain to come inside with two of his men. Walking cautiously around the home, I didn’t find anything unusual except for the door. The Captain ordered his armed men to investigate the whole house while me and Marcus stood next to the staircase waiting for someone to find something, anything. Men came from upstairs and from the kitchen with nothing in their hands. I was about to scream for my dad when a horrible sound stopped all of our movements, including our breaths.



The Captain ordered us to get down in case we were being shot, but that wasn’t the case. I stood up and walked aimlessly around the spot we were crouched. Then I saw it. A big mahogany door that probably lead to the basement. How could I forget the times I hide downstairs whenever my parents fought? How could I not notice it before? I stood up ignoring the Captain’s commands for me to get down, but I ignored him and tried to opened the door which for my luck was opened. Everything was dark down there but not dark enough for me not to see anything. What caught my attention the most was the rustling sound I heard, maybe my dad was down there and would explain everything.

“Captain, call some of your men. I hear something down there, maybe my dad is downstairs or maybe is a burglar,” I said as I opened the door more.

“Who said I would follow orders from you? I don’t know you . You are probably accomplice with whoever is down there and you want to trap us so you could get away with it,” He said while looking at me with a challenging look.

“Look old man, I’m not going to spend my time here trying to convince you I didn’t kidnap my girlfriend when I could be downstairs doing what you should be doing, checking if someone is there or looking for Rosie if your machine is so accurate as you claim it to be.”

I turned around and headed downstairs leaving the men with probable shocked expressions on their faces, served them right.

I continued descending the stairs when one of the rotten wooden steps creaked. I cursed my luck. The rustling sound suddenly stopped and I continued walking down. Just a few steps and I would come in contact of whoever was downstairs.

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