Chapter 20

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Rosie's POV

** 5 DAYS LATER **

Sitting on the comfy couch, I was on my phone deleting all the creepy messages I had received yesterday, all from a 'Blocked Number'. The messages all consisted on 'IM WATCHING YOU' or 'STAY AWAY', they didn't mean a thing to me that's why I wasn't bothered.


A new message had arrived to my phone. I cautiously scrolled up. I was shocked and scared. Millions of thoughts ran through my head. How did that person knew what I was doing? 'STOP TEXTING AND STAY AWAY FROM HIM' the message said. As an instinct, I turned around to look down the window. The sun shined brightly through the blue sky, hitting the green trees below.

Something, well, someone, caught my attention. A man was standing next to a black car. I was astonished. The black car was the same car I saw five nights ago parked near my flat. Shock was plastered on all my face. I focused on the man standing next to it. He was the same man I saw at work and at the fair. He was looking at me straight in the eye, piercing my soul. His look was filled with hate and anger, but towards who?

I closed the curtains as fast as I could. I was panting hard on the couch. I couldn't find the air to breathe correctly. It felt as if I was inside a tight box with no light nor air. I started to hyperventilate, really hard. I fell to the ground gasping for the air I knew I wouldn't find. In cue, Jake entered the living room.

He started talking about something I didn't understand. I grabbed my chest thinking that way I would breathe normally, but no I was still breathless. Jake rushed to me and carried me. He laid me on the couch and embraced me. He started rubbing my back trying to relax me.


We were on the couch. He was holding me tight. I've never had one of those panic attacks since my dad first hit me, but seeing the star tattooed guy outside my flat scared me to death. How did he know where I lived? Did he follow me? Was he the one sending me the texts?

"What happened back there?" He asked playing with a strand of my hair, which I found kind of cute.

"Umm nothing. I saw someone, that's just it." He looked at me not believing a singe word I just said

"I will pretend I believe you, but you know you can trust me." He said smiling big, showing his dimples.

I pecked his lips, "I know."

It felt good being in his arms. Hearing the beating of his heart. Feeling the way his chest rose every time he inhaled. The way his cologne hit my nostrils, I felt in peace. I felt him playing with a strand of my hair. Then he accidentally pulled that strand.

"OWWW!" I said massaging the spot in my head where he pulled the strand.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to." He said still playing with it.

"What are you doing with my hair?" I said with a hint of laugh in my voice.

"Umm... nothing." He said like a little kid who just did something. Then he pulled again, making me wince in pain.

"Well that doesn't feel like nothing."

"I'm trying to make a braid, but your stupid hair keeps tangling and it's impossible." He said letting go of the strand of hair, pouting. He looked like one of those kids who worked so hard building his lego house and it just fell.

I pecked his pouting lips, "Awww Jake, but next time, tell me and I will help you."

I stood up and went to the fridge and take out a can of coke. I looked outside the window on top of the sink. I choked on my coke. The star tattooed guy was right there, AGAIN, staring at me, smirking. I closed the curtains as fast as I could. I started coughing violently. I caught my breath again.

"Ro, I almost forgot to tell you." Jake said while switching channels on the T.V.

"What?" I said walking to him.

"We're going to see my dad tomorrow."

Hey buttercups!!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter:D next chapter would be posted soon, if not blame school.




By doing that I can see if you really like it, and it will motivate me to post earlier:D would appreciate it if you do.

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