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hey, i have been thinking about this story lately and i thought i owed you (those who read this story or who are reading it) an appropriate ending. at the beginning when i started writing this, i wanted to end the story one way, but then decided to ended another way and at the end of the day, i finished the story with a shitty ending, so in this epilogue would be how the story was originally going to end, it will all be on jake's pov, enjoy!! (listen to the song on the side at the end, i dont know why but it reminds me of rosie and jake (mostly jake) and their feelings)


As soon as I opened my eyes, the smell of anesthetics hit my nostrils. The bright, white light of the room hitting my eyes woke me up completely. There was a nagging yet slight pain in my head which was increasing as the seconds passed. I was alone in this room, except for the withered flowers lying on the table next to my bed. Slowly and painfully, the memories of how I got here came back to me in flashes making my chest hurt.


As fast as I could, I stood up from the stiff bed and walked to the door but was met with hazel eyes that looked a lot like the ones I fell in love with, but these were lifeless and had some wrinkles on the sides. I stepped back allowing Marcus to enter the room, behind him was Dr. Manor, who wore a blank face, and that set my heart to start beating faster and for my hands to start sweating.

I knew something wasn't right when they started speaking with their eyes as if I wasn't standing next to them. My insides were churning with anticipation of what they were going to tell me, and something told me I wasn't going to like it.

"Can any of you tell me what's going on? Where is Rosie? Did she wake up?" I asked abruptly breaking their conversation.

Dr. Manor turned to look at Marcus with a desperate look on his face, and then I realized that was the first time I ever saw him show any emotion, "You didn't tell him?"

"When we arrived just now, I was planning on waiting for him to wake up later today, but he was already awake," Marcus said sadly.

And right there, looking at those two men I realized two things. The dark bags underneath Marcus's eyes, and if it wasn't for the bright light I wouldn't have noticed the dry trail of tears that were imprinted on his cheeks. The last thing I realized was how empty I felt inside, as if someone had ripped out all of my organs and left nothing but a dark, void where my heart should be. I was slowly drowning by myself, and I felt nothing.

"Mister Black, you have been asleep for three days now," Dr. Manor said curtly.

Three days? 

"But I-"

"I wasn't finished, and I highly recommend for you to sit down," he waited for me to sit down. When he saw that I was comfortable and I had Marcus on my side he continued, "The last time you were awake, you had a panic attack, which was understandable because of the overwhelming news you were delivered. We gave you benzodiazepines, which is also known as a sedative to calm your nerves, but what we didn't know is that you would sleep for three days straight, an-"

"Okay, I get it, I was asleep for three days, can you now tell me how is Rosie doing? Was the surgery a success?" I asked dreading for the answer of that question.

Beside me, Marcus was silently crying and that made me question if Rosie was actually okay. I laid my hand on his back trying to soothe him, but all I got from him was small smile and that made my chest constrict.

"Rosie, well she... she didn't make it. The injury in her brain turned out to be severe, the small blood clot turned into a hemorrhage, which caused the brain to not receive the amount of oxygen needed which soon led to her death. I am so sorry for your loss, Jake."

It took me a minute or two to grasp the news the doctor told me. Rosie? My Rosie, dead? Those two words couldn't go together in one sentence, because of how wrong it felt to think that, but my nightmares are coming true and they sure hurt more than what I experienced in my head.

When someone you love dies, people cry, scream or even get angry, but none of that happened. I sat there, and heard as the doctor walked away and closed the door behind him. I heard as Marcus was crying with his head on his hands, I wanted to calm him down and tell him that things may not be right at the moment but they will get better, but I couldn't.

I couldn't make myself move a muscle let alone feel anything. Death came and knocked on her door and took her away, but with her it took, my heart and any emotion I had left, and probably the ability to love again. I was numb, I couldn't feel, or make myself cry. I wanted to tell myself it was all a dream and I will soon wake up and kiss her and tell her how much I love her, but I know this is no dream but a painful reality.


the end

and that is how i was originally planning on ending this story, and after four months i wrote it. its up to you to imagine where the characters will go from this sudden death, but yeah i guess some of you saw this coming, anyways i hope you guys liked this and i want to say a big big thank you to those people who supported me throughout the process of this story, it means the world to me. 

another big thank you to those amazing people who read this story, and to those who recently started reading it. thank you for giving this story a shot. 

thank you, thank you, and i hope you all are good!

love you !!!

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