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"How is—Where is he now?" Primrose carefully asked, trying not to offend Jason if Stretton was already... you know.

He just gave her a small smile, "Dead and buried. He's old, very old. He's supposed to turn 94 this year... i think. 90 something."

"I'm sorry."

"It has been a long time. He died when I was fifteen. Heart failure." He said.

Primrose nodded slowly, "How was he like?"

"He's very kind. Gentle. Grandma had always been the boss. She's so strict with her children but she had a soft spot for us." He chuckled lowly.

Primrose looked at him in curiosity, "If you don't mind... what was your grandmother's name?"

"Elizabeth Saunders. She's... what wizards call a muggle. She had always been jealous of you since grandpa talked a lot about you to us." He shook his head.

Primrose cupped her mouth, "Oh my."

Stretton, you idiot.

He continued, "But grandpa had always known how to comfort her. He always gave reassurance to her, saying that she didn't have to be jealous. It was a long time ago and that the girl... would probably be dead already."

Primrose nodded in understanding.

"When he said that she went missing... we really had no idea. But now I know. The girl was Primrose Quinton—you. The girl from the future." He looked at her.

"You said that there's another student went 'missing'. Was it Riddle?" She asked and he nodded, "Supposedly."

"Are you a wizard too, Jason?"

Jason chuckled, "I got a letter from Hogwarts. But, I don't wanna be a wizard. Hence on why i'm here. I moved to America for S.H.I.E.L.D. My father is a wizard though. He worked for the ministry of magic. My mom was a teacher—chemistry."

"Understandable. I don't wanna be a wizard too." Primrose grinned. Jason nodded, "So does Rose."

Primrose glanced at him, "Jason... do you perhaps... have feelings for her?"

"Perhaps I do."

That made Primrose smiled and she nodded, "Good luck."

"You're not telling her?"

Primrose shook her head, "It's not my place to say. If you really want her, you would've worked on it yourself innit?"

That caught him off guard, "It's not that I don't want her..."

Primrose waited for him to continue.

"I'm just... afraid that she doesn't feel the same way and it would affect our work. It's gonna be awkward if anything happens." Jason continued.

Good point.

Primrose just shrugged, "You're right about that. Whatever it is, all the best."

He just laughed.

That's the most she had ever seen Jason smiling and laughing. Maybe he just had a resting bitch face, hence on why he had always looked intimidating.

They arrived at the cells and Jason stopped his track, "This is you. I'll wait outside. He's in the glass cell at the end of the hall."

"Thanks." Primrose said and walked through the hall.

From far away, she saw Tom sitting at the corner of the cell while reading a book. She took a deep breath and let it out, before she finally called him, "Tom."

Back into Time (Tom Riddle x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now