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McGonagall pointed her wand at the fireplace in the classroom, "Incendio!"

Flames slowly appeared and the class was warm with the fire. "Now all of you, come up front and one by one, do the charm." McGonagall pulled out the fire and the students started to cast the spell one by one.




McGonagall nodded in satisfaction, watching all the students successfully used the charm.

Primrose grinned at Calista when they did the charm. When she turned her head away from Calista, she locked eyes with Bletchley.

To her surprise, Bletchley rolled his eyes and turned away from her angrily. Primrose frowned, Is he alright?

No, he didn't look alright. Something was definitely wrong. Primrose noticed the anger on his face and it made her wonder—troubled. Was it because of her? But what was it?

Tom Riddle approached the fireplace and pointed out his wand, "Incendio!"

"Very good, Tom."

Tom walked back to his place, his shoulder slightly brushed Primrose's. She smiled at him, "Nice one, Riddle."

"Thanks." He said.

After the lesson, the students moved to a different classroom for Defence Against the Dark Arts. The teacher was already there and the students could already tell that there's gonna be a duel hence the platform in the middle.

"Good afternoon, students. Today, we are going to do a duel. This whole period, you will take turn to duel with each other. I must remind you, you are not allowed to use spells and charms that could hurt your opponent badly. May I have the first two volunteers?" The teacher asked.

Young and Lyra raised their hands but the teacher shook her head, "One from Slytherin and one from Ravenclaw, please. Lyra, you go first. Volunteer from Slytherin please?"

Young pouted.

One of the girls from Slytherin raised her hand and the teacher quickly chose her, "Very good, Blaire. Come, you two."

The two bowed slightly to each other before moving apart from each other. When the teacher signalled that they can start, Lyra quickly casted a spell, "Expelliarmus!"

And just like that, Blaire's wand was snatched. The teaches shrugged, "Well, you're too slow. Lyra wins."

The students clapped their hands and Lyra smiled, walking down the platform straight to her friends. Young nudged her shoulder, "Nice one, Lyra."

"Next! Miss Young, come on up! Anyone from Slytherin, please." The teacher said.

The students took turn and it was honestly quite boring for Primrose as they were all opening with the disarming spell. The longest duel at that time was only five minutes when the disarming spell was used at the same time so they had to continue the duel with other spells or charms.

Stretton volunteered to go next and Bletchley quickly volunteered to represent his house in the duel between him and Stretton. Primrose frowned as Bletchley looked at him with and enraged expression.

What is wrong with him?

Bletchley opened the duel by waving his wand, light blasted from the tip of the wand towards Stretton. He blocked it by waving it back but Bletchley didn't stop waving his wand as he approached Stretton.

Stretton backed away, kept on blocking his attacks. When he reached the end of the platform, he stopped. Stretton took the chance to cast a spell by waving his wand when there was a break in between Bletchley's wand waving.

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