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The students were walking out of the class when the lesson finished. Primrose frowned when Bletchley walked into Tom, purposely bumping into his shoulders until Tom lost his grip on the books.

They're the same height but it was undeniable that Bletchley was more built than Tom. Primrose approached and helped him with the books, "Are you okay?"

Tom took the books from Primrose while glancing at Bletchley's back as he walked away. Then, Tom turned his gaze to her, "Someone's not happy."

Primrose frowned, "Just because he's having a bad day, that doesn't give him the rights to be an asshole. What was that about by the way?"

Tom shrugged, "I don't know."

"Do you think it's because of that night? When you caught him... went berserk on me?" She asked. Tom nodded once, "Most probably, but took him long enough to act all petty like this."

Primrose sighed, "It is petty. I'm sorry."

Tom frowned, "It is not your fault."

"I mean, you helped me?"

"It was the right thing to do."

Primrose frowned mentally. That was something new, coming out from his mouth. She's wondering where he got this sense of righteous.

"I'll see you around, Riddle." Primrose turned away. Tom opened his mouth to call her name but stopped when another voice greeted her, walking towards her with a big smile.

"Primrose." Konstantin smiled. Primrose smiled back, "Hi."

"How have you been?" He asked.

"Been alright. How's your training?"

Konstantin shrugged, "Been the same. Just running around. Great work, at the arena. Didn't expect it to be so... effortless."

Took him long enough to congratulate me.

"Thank you, I guess." Primrose said.

"What's your plan on weekends?" He asked. Primrose opened her mouth, but still looking for suitable answers. She's planning to go to the muggle world again. She had been a tutor to Mason and she didn't think it would be wise to tell her plans to her rival in Triwizard Tournament.

"I don't know yet." She answered simply. Konstantin nodded slowly, "Me too."


Konstantin tilted his head to the side with squinted eyes, "Primrose, do you by any chance... had figure out some things about the golden egg?"

I knew it. He's trying to fish me into perhaps... Working with him or simply seeking for answers. Maybe all this time, he was trying to get to both me and Fiore to manipulate us with his charm.

Or maybe i'm just overthinking.

"I have not. Why? Would you like me to share my intel with you?" Primrose asked with a small smirk, trying to look like she was just playing around though she really meant it.

He laughed, "Only if you want to. We should work together. It'll be a win-win situation."

Working with Konstantin, is it wise or is it not? But it could've been lesser of a burden if we work together.

"Okay." She said. Konstantin's smile broaden and he clasped his hands together, "Perfect. I'll let you know if I find something. I'll see you around, Primrose."

She nodded once and followed Konstantin's figure with her eyes until he's not in sight anymore. Her jaw dropped when she noticed Tom standing behind her with his eyebrows lifted in suspicion, "Are you sure you can trust him?"

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