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Special Threat Assessment for Known Extranormalities

"We got a read!"

Rosemary walked towards the man hurriedly, staring at the large screen in front of them, controlled by two men, originally from Russia. The screen was showing a sudden appearance of power.

An unknown power.

Rosemary frowned, "Where is it?"

The man was freaking out, "Cape Canaveral, Moscow, Dubai, London, my god—there's more. They're coming one by one to different places."

"Who are they?"

"I don't know! But whatever they are, it can't be good." He replied, raising his voice a little bit. Rosemary looked down to him and squeezed his shoulders, trying to comfort him, "Hey get yourself together, okay?" The man nodded and exhaled heavily, his expression scared, still.

"Are they destroying anything?" Rosemary asked and the other man, sitting next to Avery with eight meters gap shrugged, "Based on the power released by this entity, it sure seemed like it. Anything on the news?"

"Yes, I've been following up with the news. Some say that they're seeing lights from buildings; houses. Oh—check this out. A person from the news was talking about someone waving a stick, and then lights came out from the stick. It's like magic—witch things, they said." A woman sat a little further in the room said.

"Magic..." Rosemary whispered and looked around the spacious room, filled with fifty people working on their computers from the lower tier until the upper tier. Rosemary looked at the door when a man walked straight up to her, "Miss Quinton, there's a person that wished to see you now. It has something to do with the attacks."

Rosemary nodded and looked around the room again, "I want you to gather the info on everything. Little things would help as well so don't take anything for granted. If we can see everything that's happening through the satellite cam, it'll be better so ask the government, now. I'll be right back."

Rosemary gave a small nod to the man and they quickly left the room, moving to another room, quite far from one another but the high-speed train inside the fortress helped the crews to travel fast from one room to another, one section to another, one block to another. Once arrived at the room, Rosemary's jaw dropped in horror as she saw a staff from another division, which is W.A.N.D, and it was the closest to S.T.A.K.E's block, "Hermione! What happened to you?"

The woman's hands were shaking and Rosemary noticed that she's holding her lanyard in her hand, stained with blood.

Granger-Weasley, Hermione
Wizardry, Alchemy, and Necromancy Department

Although they're in different departments, Rosemary and Hermione were close with each other, since they recognised each other from some meetings that required them to see each other's faces. Hermione had always admired Rosemary's passion in making the world a better place. Plus, knowing that Rosemary was a witch was enough to make her like the young woman even more.

Just a slight difference. Rosemary and her sister were modern witches. Their father was a mutant, with frost power while their mother was a witch from Ilvermorny—a Pukwudgie. They didn't require any wand or spell for them to use their powers and make potions, hence the difference in DNA with normal human beings and other wizards. 

Which explains, that; Rosemary and her sister were not humans. They are mutants. With supernatural powers.

Hermione—the woman coughed, blood coming out from her mouth. She took a deep breath before opening her mouth to speak, "They're back... They're back..."

Rosemary tucked the lady's orange hair, at the back of her ear, "Who's back? Jason, please get the medic and a glass of water. Thank you." Jason, the man who informed her about Hermione nodded before he quickly called the medic.

"The... remaining death eaters... They're back... with a new leader..."

"Death eaters... the one that you told us about?  The one that you fought back in wizarding world?" She asked and Hermione nodded weakly, "Yes... Harry, Ron, and I."

Hermione suddenly choked back on her tears, "Ron.."

"What happened to Ron?"

She started to cry an her breath hitched, "He's gone..."

Rosemary closed her eyes and held Hermione's hands, "I'm so sorry. What about your children?" She shook her head, "All in Hogwarts. I haven't reached out to them, I came here straight away to see you."

She then continues, "There were too many. They wanted to kill me because I was muggle-born. It's like history is repeating itself but this time... it is lead by someone else."

"Who is it? Is it someone you know?" Rosemary asked. She knows about what happened in the past because Hermione and Ron always tell her stories, including the ones about the war between them and the death eaters—led by Voldermort. Hermione grabbed the glass of water from Jason when he handed her the glass. She took a sip with her shaky hands before nodding weakly,

"I can't believe it at first, but listening to the death eaters saying his name... there's no doubt...

"...Pucey. Adrian Pucey."

Jason spoke up, "We've found a clear view of the incident as well as some faces. Maybe Mrs Weasley can confirm whether there's an Adrian Pucey in it?"

Rosemary nodded, "Good idea. Give me the iPad." Jason handed her the iPad and she took a look at it while gritting her teeth. Rosemary went to the screenshots of each faces before showing them to Hermione.

Hermione swiped through the iPad and sighed, "There are new and old faces. I recognised some of them—this! This is him!"

"Hermione, if I may ask, what were the death eaters talking about Adrian? What makes you sure it's him?"

"They called him Lord Adrian." She replied.

Rosemary zoomed in a little bit and nodded to Jason, "Adrian Pucey, the new Dark Lord."

Jason nodded back, "Informing W.A.N.D." He used the smart watch and swiped the screen, making a holographic screen in the air. Jason paused when he saw Rosemary shaking her head, "Not just W.A.N.D. Everyone. We need to have everyone alert about this so they can enlighten us with anything. We have to keep everyone safe too."

Jason nodded before continuing to type in the messages through the holographic screen.

"Do you have any idea on what to do now?" Rosemary asked.

Hermione stared at her right square in the eyes, "I think I know. But we need Primrose."

"My sister?!" Rosemary asked, shocked. Hermione nodded, "Yes. Your sister is the only person who can help."

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