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The whole class was staring at Primrose as she stepped in. It took a few seconds for her to realise that they're all smiling at her.

Except for one.

Tom Riddle was just staring at her with his usual indifferent expression.

Primrose smiled back to some of them while walking to the her seat, beside Dahlia and near Tom Riddle. Primrose noticed that his eyes were following her so she glanced at him and just smiled before looking away.

"Today, we are learning about the Unforgivable Curse." The teacher said and the class started to whisper.

"Silence. How many Unforgivable Curse are there?" He asked and there were lots of students who raised their hands up.

"Miss Young." He pointed. Young then answered, "There are three, sir."

He nodded, "Five points for Ravenclaw. Anybody knows what are they?"

Samuels raised his hand and answered when the teacher asked him to, "Imperius Curse, Cruciatus Curse, and Killing Curse."

"Correct, Mr Samuels. Another five points for Ravenclaw. Now, now... someone please explain each of the curse. Ah, finally someone from Slytherin. Mr Riddle."

Tom answered, "The Imperius Curse allows the user to control the actions of the victim. Cruciatus Curse causes unbearable pain and the Killing Curse causes instant death."

"Well done. Five points for Slytherin." The teacher said. He then approached the table, taking out a tarantula from a jar.

Primrose noticed that Dahlia shifted a little bit, probably uncomfortable seeing the spider.

"Imperio." The teacher pointed out his wand to the spider and it flew around, following wherever he swung the wand.

The teacher controlled the spider onto Page's head, making him ruffle his own neatly styled hair to get it off.

Then, the teacher controlled it to stick onto a girl's face, named Pansy. She screamed, "Get it off me!"

The boy with blonde hair next to her laughed before he tried to remove the spider. Before he could touch it, the teacher already controlled the spider to land on Dahlia's table.

Before it could land on her table, she slapped the flying spider with a scream. The spider was thrown away and hit the quill that Primrose was holding with her left hand.

The quill fell onto the floor, under Tom's table. He noticed because the quill hit his shin before it fell on the floor. He glanced at the quill for a few seconds before bending down to take it.

Tom tilted his head to the side while running his thumb onto the small diamonds placed on the silver body.

Why is he fingering my quill now?

Okay that came out wrong.

After quite some time, he finally handed it to Primrose. She took it and smiled, "Thank you."

He only nodded.

"The next one is... Crucio!"

The spider was on Calista's table. It was shrinking itself, looking like it's scared. Precisely, it's in pain. Everyone in the class noticed that Calista felt uncomfortable with the sight so she looked away.

The teacher looked around, "And lastly..."

There was a long pause before he sighed, pointing out his wand towards the spider, "Avada Kedavra."

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