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That day, Primrose was free after the afternoon class since they didn't have any more classes. She had decided to try her luck at the library. She was at the Dark Arts's section. Eleventh shelf fourth row from below.

She waited patiently, hoping that Riddle would show up. She glanced at the door frequently and as if luck was on her side just like every single god-damned time, Riddle entered the library.

Primrose was overwhelmed with excitement and nervousness.

She heard the footsteps coming closer at the other side of the shelf, and she assumed it's him. She put her hand on standby at the desired book.

Three, two...

Primrose held onto the book, not tightly so that Tom would notice that it was in someone else's hand first. She smirked when the book was pulled from the other side. She quickly put on a shocked expression.


Tom and Primrose locked eyes with each other. Pure shock was seen on his face as he frowned.

Primrose blinked her eyes a few times, as if she knew she's fucked. She was caught trying to take a book about Dark Arts.


She quickly pulled her hand away then walked away with her head down. When she passed the shelf where Tom was standing, she can feel his eyes on her.

She felt correctly. Tom's eyes definitely followed her until she's gone from his sight.


It's Friday and Primrose was more excited than ever. She could feel the Endorphins working in her body as she felt the excitement for Quidditch. Page patted Primrose on her left shoulder, "Someone's excited."

"A little bit. Quite nervous though." She said, honest. Burrow laughed and patted her other shoulder, "You'll be fine. Just hold on tight and get the snitch."

Stretton smiled, "We won against Hufflepuff. It's a great start. Slytherin could be rough so just like Burrow said... just hold on tight."

"They are aggressive, but they're reckless. So we have a chance. Whenever they look vulnerable, it's our turn to strike. Stay focus!" Davies said and they all nodded.

"Let's go." Inglebee said, passing the brooms to everyone. Primrose smiled at him, "Thank you Inglebee."

"My pleasure." He replied.

Primrose was about the get out of the tent when Stretton took her arm, "Hey. All the best out there."

She smiled, "You too."

Primrose smiled to herself when she realised that she had to float near the Slytherin's seats before the game started. That's her place. She's really hoping she would see Riddle there.

The crowd cheered when all players came out and levitated in the air. As Primrose reached the top, she turned her head to the audience. She spotted Slughorn and beside him was no other than Tom Riddle.

She waved, "Hi Professor Slughorn!"

She turned her face to Tom with a nod, "Riddle."

Tom nodded at her, acknowledging her greeting.

"Hello Miss Quinton. I would wish you all the best but I would love to see Slytherin win." Slughorn laughed humorously. Primrose nodded her head with a small smile, "Understandable, sir."

"BOOOOOOOO!" One of the Slytherin audience cooed in front of her face and the rest started to follow. Then they laughed. Primrose looked down at him and pointed her index finger, "Okay that hurts." 

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