🖤 Chapter 2 🖤

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She couldn't move

It was dark...

Where was she?

(Y/N) tried to move but found herself not able to move even a muscle. She couldn't see anything eather,pure darkness was all she saw.
The only thing she was left with was her hearing.
It rang around her, the sound of the faint rhythmic drops were ever.

Was something leaking? What was it?


*drip *


Why was she hearing it so clear? It sounded so far away yet she could hear it clear as day...

Soon she began to hear something else, something different.

It sounded like... footsteps?

Yes, feet on wet ground.

As seconds flew by, they started to become more apparent and more noticeable. It was like it was coming closer, yet not quite close enough.

Suddenly they stopped.

(Y/N) listened for anything but it was quiet as it was in the beginning.

What is happening?

Why did they stopped?

The sudden sound of the clashing of weapons startled her. She jumped in surprise as the harsh sound filled her ears.

Screams were heard everywhere.

Who was screaming?

Why were they screaming?

Were they in pain?

She couldn't see them nor touch them but it sounded as if she was right there with them. Even if her vision was black she tried reaching for someone, anyone.
But it was like no one was there...

It sounded so real...

Then something wet filled the silence. Screams of agony were heard and were silenced by more slashes and splashes. The smell of blood now filled her nostrils as she twitched in disgust. It was so strong!
It was as if they were being ripped to peaces... but by whom?

"A MATCH MADE IN SHADOW"  {Kayn x Fem. reader} Where stories live. Discover now