🖤 Chapter 18 🖤

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Have you ever felt... nothing?

You want to be scared.

You want to move. To feel.

But....you can't?

That was what (Y/N) felt. In the empty void of her mind.
After she collapsed, she thought she had died. She truly believed it, that it was the end. But...She wasn't.
She opened her eyes, but...there was nothing. She felt nothing. (Y/N) was greeted with it. Dark and still as ever. It wasn't a dream either. It felt like...she was in her mind. But why? Why was she there? Why could she not feel scared? Why couldn't she move? She wanted to...

It felt like a whole lifetime that she spent just... floating in this abyss.

No light.

No sound.

No nothing...

It always stayed the same until a sudden sound broke the peaceful silence this void has created...

"(Y/N)!! "

A voice echoed into the darkness. (Y/N) quickly spun around but stopped. She could move? Why? Why could she move now?

As her eyes looked up to see where the voice was coming from, she again felt...confused.

It was the same place.

A thick forest surrounded her the only way she could go was forward. But then if you look forward you would see it. Two paths.
The left one felt calm and peaceful as the moonlight was shining through the thick trees.
The right one, which was filled with dead trees. Sky blood red as forward was nothing but darkness.


Why was she here?

What was this place?

(Y/N) quickly turned away from the right one. She knew what awaited her there. She didn't want anything to do with it. All the blood and deaths there. That... thing. She couldn't even look at it.

As she confidently took a step forward she was just as quickly stopped. A sound rang in the forest around her...

...the sound of a baby's cry...

She knew where it was coming from. (Y/N) didn't want to even look at that path but... how could she ignore it. It was an illusion she told herself. But... what if it was real?

She stood frozen...

What was she supposed to do?




Where was she supposed to go?







After all... There are only two ways this story can go.


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