🖤 Chapter 13🖤

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(Y/N) never felt how fast that day went by, and would you look at that. It's the next day. And it made her sick to her stomach to think that she was going to have to say all of those heartfelt things to Kayn. She knew better than anyone that he is the last person to care for anyone.
Her sunken eyes traveled to her hands. Could she really do this? Is she truly strong enough?
Her hesitation took a hold of her breath as she felt her heartbeat quicken.

(Y/N) took a deep breath. Trying to convince herself that, if she was strong enough to stay in this order and go on with years of training and wars happening around her then surely it would not be that hard.

And when she did, she quietly walked out of her room.

Today was the day, she would prove to Kayn that she was stronger than he thinks.


As she stood in the oh so fermiliar training grounds of her beloved order she almost jumped as she heard the strict and metalic voice of her mentor.

"(Y/N), you will be fighting Kayn. "

*perfect...* Zed just won't let them off with just a warning would he? And, of course, he just had to pair them together. This made (Y/N) highly nervous as she very quickly nodded her head.

Oh how (Y/N) hated the punishments her master gave them. The extra trainings and exercises, which weren't little, to the extra things like cleanjng up after the others which they both despised with passion. Although Kayn would never say anything about it.

"Let's get this over with. "-sounded the very unexcited voice of Kayn.

As they got into possions, Zed announced the beginning as they both charged at eachother. The battle had nothing truly of significance. Those battles always ended in the same way for both. Always Kayn would manage to outsmart or overpower (Y/N) and she would always be salty about it. And recently,he has been using the darkin weapon way more than almost anything. She had noticed Kayn was exceptionally good at weilding Rhaast, even if the shythe was incredibly annoying with always talking.

She admired him for it.

And as Kayn pressed the blade against in neck, pinning her to the ground he, yet again, appeared victorious. Smirk placed on his face. Oh, but only if he knew how much this smirk made her heart quicken and made her fist tighten for she truly couldn't wait until she can cave in his face for it.

" Hey, head's up, maybe one day. "

(Y/N) glared at him.

"Or maybe not. "

The anticipation to just smash his face in the ground was stronger then ever as her cheeks turned a new shade of red.

"You won't be enjoying this once I wipe your smile off. "-(Y/N) said in a threatening tone.

" Aww, look, it's angry. "

"Enough! "

They both smiled the moment they heard their mentor's cold and sharp voice.

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