🖤 Chapter 11 🖤

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As (Y/N) kept walking down the very familiar hallways, she kept wondering about why Kayn wanted to talk to Nakuri. You see, Kayn never bothered talking to anyone in perticuliar. Mostly because he always saw himself as a "superior" than anyone. His ego was so large that a lot of people actually disliked him for it.
So it made her curious as to what was going on but then dicided it was foolish to keep prying so she just eventually dropped it.

As she finally arrived in Zed's private room,she opened the door.
There she saw him. He was turned with his back facing her. She then just guessed he probably was meditating up until now she really wasn't surprised. She lowered her head, in a gesture of respect as she asked in a low yet soft voice:

"I heard you wished to speak with me."

"Indeed. I did."

(Y/N) looked around the room for a second. Even as a child she had almost never entered here, so she couldn't help but look around and observe the room.
But her posture was quickly recovered as soon as she heard her master's voice sound yet again:



"I have only one simple question for you."

His tone shook her a little. He sounded much more threatening and much angrier than usual. It worried her to say the least.

"What is it?"

He said nothing as he finally turned around to look at her. The moment he turned around her eyes went wide in shock, cold sweat slowly started dropping down her forehead as she looked at what he was holding in his arms.

"What. Is. This?"


The thing he held in his arm was a very, very familiar tiny reptile. And Zed surely did not seem pleased with it in the slightest.

"I-I can explain -"

"Oh, Can you? Its very amusing to me how carelessly you treat my rules, (Y/N).."

"I.. I...."

(Y/N) tried to say something, to defend herself... but... she had nothing. The hard glare of her mentor and the disappointment she must have brang to him were enough to freeze her in place.

Silence filled the room until a voice was heard coming from the doorway.

"Its not her who brought it here."

The sound of the sudden voice made (Y/N) snap her head in its direction. The young woman recognised this voice...

As Kayn stood at the doorway, holding his newfound weapon in hand he looked at them. (Y/N) stopped for a second.

What was he doing here? Why is he lying?

"Is that so?"

Kayn nodded as he said in his serious and stern voice.

"I brought it here."

The moment those words left Kayn's lips (Y/N's) eyes went even wider. What was he doing?! She wanted to protest but it was like her voice had suddenly disappeared. Zed also was stunned for a second. Kayn was the one who he could never expect to break any of the rules Zed set out.

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