💙 Epilogue 💙

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And just like that. Years passed. Lots of years. The world was always chaotic and just as cruel as it had always been. But even then, some things were bound to stay the same.

(Y/N) and Kayn had not once broken their word. The promise stayed unbroken. No matter what happened or what they were going through.
They were always together. That never changed. Throughout all these years of war and misfortune that stayed the same.

And even in the toughest of times, good things always sparked light into the darkness.

"Mommy! Mommy look! "

(Y/N) looked down at the little child and smiled softly.

"Yes, (C/N)? "

Her voice sounded quiet yet calm but had a sweet tint to it. The little boy's face beamed with happiness as he excitedly ran towards his mother, almost falling in the process.

"Careful! Don't run like that."

(C/N) just nervously scratched his head as he laughed a little.
Saying a little "sorry" as he regained his position.

"*sigh* So what did you want me to look at? "

"Oh! Yes! Dad showed me how to throw these cute little stars! I think he called them shumikers. "

Her son said happily, clearly not able to pronounce the word correctly.

"He did what?"

(Y/N's) voice sounded annoyed and angry but she forced herself to sound more happy. She looked at the tiny shurikens in his hands with worry.

"Do you want to see? Dad said I am amazing! "

(Y/N) just sat there with a dumbfounded expression as she forced a smile.

"That's great, dear! But mommy has to go do something in the other room. You go play with (L/N), okay? "

"Okay! "

As her child ran outside happily. (Y/N's) expression quickly took one of anger. She got up and quickly made her way to a very specific door. Her and Kayn's bedroom.

She knocked at the door a few times. Very demanding at that.

"Come in. "

The moment she heard that she walked into the room pretty angrily.
Kayn was just laying on the bed, being calm and careless as always.

(Y/N) just stood there and looked at him with a glare.

"What? "

"What?! Are you serious?! "

"About? "

(Y/N) just took a deep breath and counted in her head. Once she felt calmer she spoke in a calm yet frustrated voice:

"A little bird told me that a certain father was teaching their child how to use dangerous war weapons. Do you happen to know someone? "

Kayn just scoffed, annoyed. Averting his eyes as he just answered with a simple:

"I don't get the problem here. I fought when I was his age. "

"But he is not you Kayn! What if he hurt himself?! "

"Nonsense, he is a natural. "


He just rolled his eyes at her. (Y/N) worried too much. He knew all of this was stupid and most importantly pointless. He had fought much stronger opponents than him at that age. It was just a simple lesson.

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