🖤 Chapter 5 🖤

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It was dark...

But... something was different...

As (Y/N) opened her eyes, expecting to see nothing but the lonely void she grew accustomed to.
But as she opened her eyes she saw... shades?

It was dark, yet she could see the world around her.
She looked down as her eyes fell on her hands. Her hands... she could see them.
A smile placed itself on her face as she felt relieved that she finally had a different dream. She finally could see herself, the sky, the trees...everything.

Her curious eyes looked around as she for what felt like weeks, finally relaxed. She could finally have the peace of mind that she graved for weeks on and.
Her heart had finally started beating calmly as she looked at the different trees all around her.

She carefully got up as she had her eyes glued onto the beautiful starry sky.

Finally... She had finally defeated that nightmare.

That horrible and terrifying laugh...

It was gone...

Her eyes almost teared up from happiness as the only thing she heard was the peaceful silence of the night.

She started walking around, slowly, around the forest. A soft wind blew everywhere as it caressed her face. It felt as if the wind was comforting her in a way as if it was trying to tell her that she was safe... that this laughter was gone.

And she believed it...

As she kept walking in the moonlight she came to a stop at the sight before her.

The path she was walking on had now separated in two. Curious, (Y/N) looked at both.

The left one was covered in the soft color of the moonlight. The shadows from the trees were visible, yet they looked comforting to her. The wind blew from behind her as if telling her to go there as the trees were rustling softly as if they were inviting her.

The stars looked so beautiful there. They looked so bright and mesmerizing as she held her breath as forced herself to look away to look at the other one.

The right one was dark. The sky was as black as can be, and not even a single star was presented. No wind came from anywhere, it was as still.
It was dead silent. It felt so quiet, (Y/N) felt like she couldn't breathe.
The trees were naked and decaying.
That path smelled of nothing but death...

As (Y/N) was about to walk toward the left one she felt something brush against her leg. She quickly looked down to see the cute face of (L/N) looking back at her with a playful expression.

She giggled as she went to pet it, but then it quickly shot its head up as it looked as if it heard something.
(Y/N) stared at it curiously for a second before it started running.
The woman followed behind until she stopped as she realized they were going in the wrong path.

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