🖤 Chapter 17 🖤

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As the sun rose, another day began for Nakuri. Another day without (Y/N)...

Now, of course, she isn't dead. No, of course not. She was just... in recovery.
(Y/N) was not in the best position per say, or state. But, she was still breathing. Sleeping, but breathing...

Nakuri tried to keep cool and stay as calm as humanly possible, but... it was easier said than done.
The day Master Zed found her and brought her back in, Nakuri was in a complete state of shock the moment his eyes landed on her. Back then he froze. She looked horrible...The terrible way she was bleeding or how awful the wound on her back is... it all seemed a little too much...

Even now, every time he looked at her sleeping face, his heart hurts more and more each time. Even after everything that had happened...he still loved her deep down. He didn't want her to suffer like this, or see her in this horrible state. It broke him...

(Y/N) was placed for recovery and healing in her room. Nakuri was somewhat of a nurse to her. He took care of her and promised to return her to her previous state, no matter how long it would take.

And about that child, she retrieved with her. It was placed in the same room as her. Although it also became one of the most time-consuming things Nakuri has ever had to deal with. He himself assumed, knowing (Y/N), she probably rescued the child from something.

It was good she saved a life. But also awful, just the thought of her throwing away her own in the process is plain horrible.

Nakuri looked down at her face and smiled.

"Heh, Kayn would kill me when he sees you. "

No response was given. But, no response was expected, so Nakuri just proceeded to continue talking to the unconscious girl.

"I mean, of course this idiot would. Nakuri is always the one to blame, am i right? "

More silence greeted him as he kept going on and on with the rambling.

"Honestly, what do you even see in him, (Y/N)? Ugh, such a foolish,arrogant-"

Before Nakuri could even begin to think of anything more, the sudden piecesing sound of a loud cry echoed around the rather small room. It made him flinch, not only from surprise but from irrigation...

"*sigh, you again..?"

The baby's cry was the only response it gave. Making Nakuri regret a lot of things in his life, truly.

"...i fed you not even before an hour... What do you want from me?! "

The crying only intensified with the man's harsh tone. He lowered his head in defeat. Looking down at the child he gave a small glare in return. It's not like he hated the child, it's just that... he didn't enjoy taking full care of one...

He sighed as he picked up the crying creature and looked at it for a second. Nakuri definitely wanted to just give it to (Y/N) and be done with it. It was exhausting...

Just as he began to finally hear his own thoughts, a sudden and quite disgusting, smell was in the air. Making Nakuri flinch ones more.

As he looked back at (Y/N's) sleeping face as he gave a defeated look.

"...What did I ever do to deserve all of this...? "


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