🖤 Chapter 9 🖤

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As the sun, yet again, painted the sky with such vibrant and warm colors, (Y/N) stared at the colorful sky, tired.
Warmth could only last for so long. The beautiful pink and yellows couldn't bring peace to her as she did not sleep even a blink.
The nightmares kept showing, everyday, more and more grafic. But now it has gotten worse that Kayn took upon this new mission. It made (Y/N) worry.
She knew Kayn was more than capable yet there was this motherly nature she had that made her worry. Her head was pulsating as she rubbed her temples. Oh how great it would be if she could just sleep for a few years...

(Y/N) then decided to go outside near the entrance. Fresh air and silence always seemed to calm her migraines. The few weeks were, indeed, quite stressful for the woman. Besides all those horrible nightmares, the worry for her loved ones, she still had to hide (L/N) at all cost. Which was easier said than done.

(Y/N) let out a tired sigh as she lose her eyes and listened. She just felt exhausted...

But just as she stood there, she heard the sound of footsteps and the sound of movement through the small bushes.
The moment she opened her eyes she jolted into a fully awake state as she quickly stood up and started running forward.


She immediately hugged him, almost knocking him to the ground.

"-Hi (Y/N)."-Kayn said a little surprised by the sudden "attack".

"Thank the spirits, you're ok!"

Kayn rose a questioning eyebrow.

"Were you doubting that? "

"Hehe... I mean I was just worried a little I suppose?"

(Y/N) then finnaly noticed something was wrong. As she was now able to take a full look at him she saw his left arm which was holding the ancient weapon. It looked monstrous...

"Kayn...what happened? And your eye too..?"

"Hm? Oh this, don't worry, it's nothing. It goes away."

"What do you mean? What even is this?"

"Honestly, I'm not quite sure myself. But don't worry, it's really nothing of significance."

(Y/N) narrowed her eyes for a second. She was not completely convinced but after some time decided to drop the topic. Kayn claimed it was fine so (Y/N) decided that it must be the case. She would still keep an eye on him though...

" So this is the darkin weapon?"


"Did this thing did that to you?"

*Thing?! *

The demonic voice rang in Kayn's head making his eyes close in irritation. The darkin was quite talkative, sadly only Kayn could hear it.

"Yes. Though it doesn't even matter."

(Y/N's) eyes then shifted to the scythe in Kayn's hand. Not only was it quite a big weapon but it looked so interesting to her. It was almost purely red as it looked incredibly deadly.
But the moment her eyes met the red one of the weapon she felt her heart quickening in fear. It was like her body had a mind on it own, and it was terrified by it.

Her curiosity then struck as she reached to touch it, still afraid but naturally doing it.
But the moment Kayn noticed that he quickly pulled it away.

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