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"I can't believe the Captain entrusted you with her," Floch glances over at you. "You're too nice."

"I'm not," Armin defends. "I'm just sick of the violence. You should hurry to the prison. You said they were dangerous, so you probably don't want them out in the open for too long. ."

"Whatever. Just be careful. She looks sneaky."

With that, Floch gets into the cart, about ready to head off again, but you decide you should let the two kids know they'll be okay and you'll come for them as soon as you can.

Your feet move quickly, causing Armin to reach for the gun leaning against the cart, but stops just short of it as you lean your head between Falco and Gabi.

"You'll be okay. I don't think they'll hurt you if you just behave. I'll come for you as soon as I can. Please don't do anything stupid," you whisper.

"Hey!" Floch shouts. "Get back!"

Armin grabs the back of your shirt and pulls you away, not harshly, but strong enough to make you stumble. It was just in time too, because Floch already has his gun pointed at me.

The two kids watch you get pulled away to the horses, fear in their eyes for what's to come. You know that's exactly what your eyes are full of as well.

"Remember what I said, Armin," Floch yells back as the cart begins moving again.

Armin let's out a tired sigh, making you realize just how sick of all of this he is. You roll your shoulders, feeling sore from having them pinned behind you for so long.

"Let's go," Armin mounts the horse and then reaches down, grabbing onto your shirt and heaves you up onto the saddle, stomach draped over the back. "Sorry it's not comfortable. Just bear with it for now."

"Whatever," you grunt and try to adjust where the saddle is digging into your abdomen to relive the pressure.

He doesn't saying anything more, just kicks the side of the horse and starts off to wherever he's taking me. You try to look every once in a while to get familiar with area, just in case you get free. But it's all just deserted land.

"How old are you?" Armin asks after about thirty minutes.

"It's none of your concern," you spit.

Armin pauses and you can only hear the sound of the horses heavy steps as it trots at a casual pace. Apparently we're not in any rush.

"I'm nineteen," he states. "You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to."

"Fine with me," you roll your eyes and hang your head back down, your neck tired and aching from holding it up.

"He's manipulative..." Reiners words echo in your head from when he came back from this place and told you everything he learned.

You can't trust anything this devil says. You're sure he's just trying to guilt trip you into thinking he's friendly and kind. But you know better than to trust the enemy.

A few more minutes pass and you look up again, seeing a forest appear in the distance. It looks like you're headed in that direction.

"It's going to get a little bumpy," Armin stops the horse. "I'm going to move your restraints, so you can ride in front of me."

Armin slides off the animal and pulls you down by your waistband, your feet landing on the ground with a muffled thump.

He undoes the ties and you contemplate running, but before you're able to come up with plan, he's already re-tying the rope with your hands in front.

The Devil is Watching You Where stories live. Discover now