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"Would you like to continue the tour or would you like to rest?" Armin questions you as you lean up against a random building.

"Um, I'm actually a little tired. I think I might want to lay down," you scratch your head, feeling like exhaustion has hit you like a brick.

"Let's get you back then," he shows off a short smile and then turns on his heel, walking ahead.

You carry on behind him, not wanting to have another conversation as you head back to where you're staying. It's best you take a break if you want to clear your head. Talking to Armin always makes you second guess your feelings, so now you'd like to just not have to do that.

It's not long before you arrive back at the castle looking building, entering the bedroom that has been set up for you. It's decorated with a single bed, a beautiful dresser with a large mirror set on top and then a chase lounge placed in front of a window. It's quite and peaceful, the sun in the distance getting ready to begin its descend.

"This is your room for the night," Armin leans against the doorway. "There are guards posted everywhere so you won't have to have someone in here with you, just don't jump out the window, it'll be sure to break a few bones."

"Thanks for the warning," you laugh lightly.

"Of course," Armin turns away from you quickly, avoiding your gaze. "Well...sleep well. Someone will check back in later to see if you're doing okay."

"Thanks, Armin." 

He leaves you be and shuts the door behind him, sealing you away in the large room that seems to be completely silent other than the occasional noise from outside.

You sit on the bed, kicking your shoes off in the process. You lay back, feeling the bed creak and shift beneath you, some light from the setting sun seeping through the curtains.

You roll over to your side and there's a slight pinch on your thigh. You reach into your pocket and pull out the fork, holding it in your hand as you stare down at it. You may have decided on a temporary alliance, but at any moment things could change and you might need this.

"She's resting," you hear Armin whisper on the other side of the door.

"Then why are you posted outside of her door?" Jeans deeper voice can be heard as well.

"I'm just making sure she doesn't try to run away," Armin states, but it doesn't sound too convincing.

"Oh yeah I'm sure," Jean laughs. "Come on, there's guards everywhere and we're on the second floor, let's just go hang out. It's not all the time we're together like this. Nothing is going to happen if you step away for a couple hours. She sleeps like a rock anyways."

"Yeah...but what if she wakes up and doesn't know where we are?"

"Just tell the guards to let her know if she wakes up."

The whispering stops and you move yourself under the covers and rest your head on the soft pillow, feeling the difference between the quality of the cottage linens versus the Royal linens they have here. They're high end and soft 

It's not long before you're drifting off too sleep...


"So, y/n you ready for the endurance test tomorrow?" Reiner smirks his cocky smile.

"I guess," you shrug. "Not like I have a choice."

Bertholdt looks over at you as you sit at a table in the public dining hall that is located in the building with all the classrooms.

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