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(I'm so sorry, it's not edited again)

You walk along the corridor, taking your time to look out upon the courtyard full of those pretty flowers. You notice the trees and bushes as well, but vibrant colors outshine the usual green you see in nature.

Instead of heading straight back to your room, you take a detour out into the garden. You follow the cobblestone path, finding a bench along the way.

You sit down on the wooden seat that's located under a large tree. It's dark, but the lights from the starts and moon give you enough visibility to see the row of violet flowers in front of you.

"Pretty..." you whisper with a smile playing at your lips.

You pull your knees up to your chest, your heels on the edge of the bench. Your necklace dangles out of your shirt, the metal reflecting the moon.

"I see they let the princess out of her tower," you hear someone come up behind you.

You look to your left, seeing Jean approaching slowly. He's wearing a white button up, a brown vest and black pants. It's odd seeing him without his scouts uniform on.

"I'm just that lucky," you rest your chin on your knee. "What brings you out here?"

"Just taking a walk," he sits leans against the back of the bench, his head turned so he can look down at you. "Clearing my head."

"From what?"

"Armin told me you were like a therapist," he chuckles. "Care to take on a new client?"

"I suppose. It's going to cost you though," you smirk.

"Cost me what?"

"Chocolate," you give him a tight lipped smile, waiting for a response.

"Deal," he laughs lightly, more like an exhale of breath.

"Alright, what's on your mind Jean?" You look back towards the flowers, finding it easier to listen when you're not having to read people's expressions. It gets awkward for you to have to make eye contact.

"I feel lost..." he mutters, almost like he doesn't quite want to say anything. "I've lost one of my closest friends and now Erens gone crazy all over again, but this time it's hard to believe we're fighting for the same thing. Everything is just so different now. I want to go back."

"It's normal to feel like that Jean," you tighten your hands around your legs. "Everyone goes through a time where they'd give anything to go back to when everything was simple. But life progresses, conflicts arise, and specially in our world, people die. It's just how it is."

"But I feel like there is some way I could've prevented it... or changed the outcome some how."

"You can't get caught up in the past. There's plenty of things that I would like to change, but I can't. We just have to learn to accept things as they are and keep moving. Not just for those we've lost, but for those we still have the chance to save," you glance back up at Jean who's staring up at the night sky. "Eren still needs saving."

"There's no way I'm going to be the one to do that," he scoffs. "That guy will never listen to me and I don't care. He's making his own choices now and not even Mikasa can get through to him."

"There's probably more to it than you all know. Just keep an open mind," you suggest. "In times like these, be grateful for what you have. At any moment it could be ripped away from you, so cherish it."

"What do you still have left to cherish?" Jean asks, curiosity in his voice.

"My comrades back home. Mrs.Hoover. The hope that one day this war will all be over and I won't be forced to fight any longer," you smile sadly.

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