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This is the last chapter. It contains spoilers for the manga ending, so if you haven't read it, I did warn you.


Just like you had told Armin, you found a place on the other end of the continent of Marley. It was a cottage with a large meadow, surrounded by mountains and lakes. It's exactly as you dreamed.

It took a while to find, but you figured you had the time to waste until Armin was able to find you. It crossed your mind everyday that he may never get the chance to see you again, but whenever those thoughts would appear, you shoved them away, remembering the promise he made.

You've spent most of your days in the meadow, picking flowers and drawing them in your notebook. You hadn't brought anything else with you and your main source of food comes from the lake and forest, like fish, berries, and other edible plants.

Occasionally you'd have to kill an animal to get the nutritions your body needs to be healthy, but you tried your best to just eat fish because the thought of killing disgusted you.

You never want to hurt anything or anyone ever again. You want to live out here in the middle of nowhere, being one with the nature.

The days passed slowly and after month six passed, you began to lose hope. Because you hadn't been able to bring any books with you, you decided to write your own in one of the journals you discovered inside this abandoned cottage.

You would sit outside everyday, writing the story of your life, thinking one day you'd be able to share it with the world. The life of the girl who just wanted to live in peace, torn between two sides of the war, but ultimately gave up everything for a boy she had fallen in love with.

You've gotten mostly everything written down; including the part where you were captured by Paradis and were forced to live in a cabin with Armin, the moment you discovered you had murdered someone, the way Armin and you would comfort each other. It was a rollercoaster of a plot, but you still have to write the ending.

However, you're not sure there will be an ending. For all you know, you could grow old out here and die all alone, never being able to see Armin again.

He only has a few years left of the thirteen years given to him by the founder. The curse will soon take him and the other nine Titans, allowing for the cycle to continue. Maybe you'd be able to meet the next colossal Titan, seeing Bertholdt and Armin in that person.

But you refuse to believe that's how it'll end. You pray everyday that Armin is looking for you, desperately trying to keep his promise.

He said he'd find me, so all I can do it wait...

Today, you decide to lay in the field of beautifully assorted flowers, doing your best to trust fate. To trust that destiny will bring you and Armin back together. You believe that you two were supposed to meet. To fall in love and to save each other from this sad world.

Your eyes gaze upon the clouds, watching the white assorted clumps drift off with the wind. This allows for new ones to appear, reminding you that each day that passes, it could mean one less day you get to spend with Armin.

Even if he does find you, your time is still limited. He's going to die within a few years, but you aren't going to be selfish with him. You don't care if you only get one day with him. All you want is to see him one last time.

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