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You wake up in less pain than when you fell asleep, but you're still not able to see. Your hands creep up to your face, feeling a bandage wrapped around your head and eyes.

"You awake?" You hear a familiar voice and you try to remember who's it is. "Y/n? It's me, Hange."

"Hange?" You whisper, reaching out to see where she's at.

"I'm right here," she grabs your hand and holds it gently.

"Am I blind?" Your voice shakes as you speak, terrified that you'll never be able to see again.

"They're positive that you'll make a full recovery, you just need to wear the bandage until the wounds have time to heal," she explains. "You'll be okay, you just need to rest."

"Okay..." you let out a sigh of relief. "Is everyone else okay?"

"More or less, we just found out that Eren escaped, along with Floch and his followers."

Now that you have to rely only on your hearing, you're able to make out different tones in people's voices. You pick up on the fact that Hange is very tried and worried.

"Where's Armin and Mikasa?" You ask, hoping they'll be here soon.

"They're with Jean and Connie right now," she explains. "I'll be taking you back to Trost once they get your medical report made and give me the right medication. They said you don't need to stay in the infirmary and you can rest in your own bed, so we need to make sure we have everything."

"Okay," you relax your head into the pillow, turning to the left and sighing.

"She's lucky you know," the nurse from earlier approaches.

"Yeah, this could've been a lot worse," you hear Hange stand and drop your hand.

"It could've been, but it looks like something took most of the blow. Whatever blocked the force, saved her life..."

Armin was the one who shielded you... if he hadn't done that, you could've died or been hurt even worse. Looks like you owe him once again.

He keeps saving you... That time you almost fell of the ledge, when he saved you from being caught by the guards when you tried to escape, and now when you were almost blown to pieces.

He's the only reason you're okay...

"She's discharged whenever you'd like to take her," the nurse states. "Here's her medication. I take it Trost has refills and more bandages, so I'm not going to give you those. She just needs lots of rest and to not try to open her eyes."

"Sounds good, thank you for taking care of her," Hange gently takes off the covers that lay on top of you. "I'm going to put you in a wheelchair, okay?"

"Okay," you feel your body tense up as Hange lifts you out of bed and sets you on a chair.

"Here's your medicine," Hange sets a bag into your lap and then begins pushing you.

Your hands grab onto the armrests on either side of you, squeezing them tightly. It really bothers you that you aren't able to see anything. You feel very exposed and completely defenseless.

All your trust goes into Hange to get you around carefully and keep you out of danger. Your life is in the hands of the people who you were told you were supposed to never trust.

"Small bump," she warns and you feel the wheelchair jolt. "Okay, I'm going to lift you into the wagon now."

"Not the carriage?" You wonder.

The Devil is Watching You Where stories live. Discover now