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Week one went by slowly...

Armin was gone a lot, leaving you with small lessons to complete. So far you have finished three kids sized books, learning all sorts of new words. Armin will have you write a whole paper whenever you get done with a chapter and it's been helping you a lot. Now you're working on the novel he suggested for you, about the girl who gets turned into a bunny.

"He's coming back soon," Mikasa sets her cup of water on the dining table where you're writing your report. "Did you finish?"

"No," You shake your head. "I'm not sure how to write this sentence."

"Let me help," she slides into the spot beside you. "What are you trying to say?"

"Well Armin put questions on here," you point to the paper. "I need to answer this one."

"How do you relate to the main character?" Mikasa reads. "Okay, what do you want to write?"

"I want to say that I relate to the main character because she feels trapped in a life she didn't choose. I just don't know how to spell 'trapped' or 'choose'."

"Oh okay," she leans in.

Mikasa explains how to sound out the words and you're able to figure out how to write them out. She was very helpful and calm, much like how Bertholdt was with you.

"Have you figured out who tried to light me on fire?" You lean back in your chair after answering the last question.

"Not yet, but we're pretty sure it was on Floch's orders."

"Because there hasn't been another attack on me?" You sigh and bite at your lower lip, peeling the chapped skin off. A habit you need to break.

"Well yeah and just because of the things he's said."

You nod, folding your notebook close and setting it aside for Armin to check whenever he gets a chance. It's funny, he's been acting like an actual teacher. He's been grading the paper and if I get a certain amount of points he lets me choose what we're having for dinner or sometimes he'll tell a scout to bring a treat back on the next supply run. It feels almost...normal, like you haven't been kidnapped.

You stand, deciding to take a shower before you head to bed. You've already eaten dinner and should be heading to bed soon since it's so late, but you sort of look forward to when Armin grades your stuff, because he'll have real conversations with you and not just dismiss you like most teachers did bavk home. But that's probably because our assignments were all about reasons to kill anyone that wasn't from Marley. You liked to avoid having conversations about that with people, puts kind of a damper on your mood.

But with Armin, you enjoy talking about things. He has read this book over four times and notices things you haven't and when you don't understand something, he'll take the time to explain. It's nice.

You step into the shower, letting the cold water wash over you. It sends a chill to your bones, but you power through, scrubbing yourself clean and then getting out as quick as possible before you catch a cold.

You made it a habit to bring your pajamas into the bathroom with you so you don't have an accidental run in with Armin again, so you slip those on a leave the bathroom.

"She's not going to like that," mikasa voice is hushed, not quite at a whisper, but she definitely doesn't want anyone overhearing her. Anyone, being you.

"I know... you go ahead and head back, I'll tell her..." Armins usual soothing, calm voice now seems nervous and worried.

You desperately feel like bursting into the living room and demanding to know what they're talking about, but since you're working on not overreacting, you sit down on your bed and wait instead.

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