Chapter 8: Pocket Knife

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China was dragging his youngest brother upstairs by his hair, "What the hell did you see down there?!" North Korea was whimpering and crying, "T-Taiwan-"

"Shit. You're not gonna say a word about this to anyone. Understood?!" China pulled on North's hair a bit roughly and raised his voice at him.

"I-I'm sorry China!! It w-wont happen again!"

China continued to drag him upstairs and Russia saw them. He walked up to them, "China what are you doing?! You're hurting him!! He's crying!"

China glared at Russia, "I told him NOT to go into the basement... I warned the both of you not to go down there!! He went down there! Be honest Russia.. Cause you know I can tell when you're lying... Did you go down there too?"

Russia didn't go down there but he still felt nervous. The way China was glaring at him made his shiver, he didn't want to make it seem like he was lying (although he wasn't), so he looked China in the eye and said, "No."

The older country huffed, "Good." He went back to what he was doing before and continued to drag his little brother upstairs. "I don't want you telling Russia, your friends at school your teachers-" He saw the door to North Korea's room, "Actually... I have a better idea.."

He dragged North to the entrance of the room then pushed him in and slammed the door shut. Afterwards he got a key and locked the door from the outside, "Sorry North, can't risk you telling anyone. I really do kinda care about you but I can't have you even giving a small hint about what I'm doing to anyone."

"China!! You can't just leave me in here!!"

"Why not? You have a bathroom in there. And a mini fridge. If you run out of food just let me know." China chuckled.


China realized that his mask was still on so he took it off, "As long as I say." He said then pulled out ribcage bone from his pocket, "I'm sure America would like this-" He mumbled then chuckled a bit and walked away.

~With Canada and America~

"So the heart matches Taiwan's DNA right? So whoever kidnapped Taiwan obviously killed him already and they want us to know." Canada said. America nodded, "It was fucking disgusting to see a severed heart in my mailbox... I realized that the heart was removed with extreme surgical precision."

"What do you mean?"

"Well whoever did this didn't rip it out like a savage or anything.. They actually cut it out like a surgeon would. They didn't leave any trace of their own DNA either, so they didn't grab this heart with their bare hands, they must've used gloves."

Canada noted what America was saying in his mind, "So the killer must've been experience with this type of thing..."

Canada and America were sitting on a table outside of a restaurant drinking coffee. Suddenly a woman walked past them and Canada couldn't keep his eyes from wandering.

He smirked a bit, "Damn look at her~"

America rolled his eyes then kicked Canada's leg under the table, "Focus you idiot!!"


The woman walked up to them then sat down next to Canada, "Hi~"

Canada smirked at her, "Hey~"

America groaned, "Excuse me Ma'am but we're kinda busy right now if you don't mind." The woman ignored America and just traced her finger down Canada's chest, "Your a handsome man, wanna go somewhere more private?~"

Canada's smirked widened, "Fuck yes~ What's your name miss?~"

"Vietnam." She winked at him.

America glared at her, "Look, Ma'am, we're REALLY busy right now. Please leave my partner alone and let us talk in peace." For some reason America felt jealous seeing that woman getting to close to his Partner.

Vietnam once again ignored America and kept her attention focused on Canada, "Let's go darling~" She got up then walked away hoping Canada would follow.

Canada looked at America, "Sorry Amy, I kinda wanna get laid~ I'll be right back." He got up then followed Vietnam. America huffed angrily then got up and walked in the opposite direction.

Vietnam led Canada into an empty alleyway and waited for him to catch up to her. Once he did, she pinned him against the wall despite being smaller then him.

"Woah easy there babe~" Canada said then chuckled. He grabbed her wrists then pinned her to the wall, "You're adorable thinking I'd let you pin me~"

Vietnam smirked at him a little, "What can I say? I'm more of a power bottom." She giggles a bit and Canada eyed her. Her clothing was pretty revealing, she just so happened to be wearing Canada's flag colors. This made him feel a little more excited. Normally when a country wore another countries colors or flag it was kinda hot to them.

But of course how was Vietnam supposed to know that she'd meet Canada.

Wait a minute... Canada noticed something as he eyed her. She was wearing rubber gloves and there was something else under one of those gloves not just her hand.

"Hm.. It's also kinda adorable that you think I'm stupid." He grabbed her wrist, "Why rubber gloves? I can understand cloth but normally people wear rubber when they commit some kind of crime... Like murder." He roughly pulled off her glove and saw pocket knife under neath.

Vietnam gasped, "L-Look it's not what it looks like..."

Canada glared at her then got out his hand cuffs, "Attempted murder? Not a good thing."

Vietnam let out an angry sigh as Canada cuffed her then dragged her out of the alleyway and to his and America's car.

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