Chapter 25: Photo

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Greece ran through the backyard and stopped at a large brick fence. She looked back to see if anyone was chasing her and saw Turkey yelling at her. She jumped up and tried her best to climb the fence but it seemed to be very hard to.

When she finally managed to reach the top of the fence she felt someone grab her ankle then pull her back down.

Greece looked at the man that grabbed her and saw that is was Turkey of course. She immediately started fighting back, "Let go of me!"

Turkey grabbed her wrists and held her firmly, "You may be a tranny but your still pretty so either way I'm taking you with me. I didn't waste a bunch of money on you for no damn reason." Greece glared at him, "I'm not an object that you can just buy! I'm a person!"

Turkey rolled his eyes, "Person or not I own you now." He grabbed her hair then dragged her back into the house. China saw them and smiled a bit, "So you managed to get her back? Good for you. Now that you paid for her you can leave."

Turkey nodded, "Of course, I was planning on it anyways." He dragged Greece outside.

Greece was hitting and kicking him trying to do whatever she could to get away from him but obviously Turkey didn't seemed phased by anything that she was doing. He practically threw her into his car then got into the drivers side and locked the car doors. He started the car and drove off with her.

China went upstairs and headed towards the guest room and knocked on the door then opened it. He saw Soviet sitting on the bed and looking at some old pictures. China went in and sat down next to Soviet, "What's that?"

Soviet showed China a photo of him when he was at first adopted by him. He was only 3 years old when he was adopted. "I remember when you were nothing but a sweet innocent little boy... You couldn't even use your wings yet." Soviet chuckled a bit then stopped and let out a soft sigh, "Where did I go wrong..?"

"Well that's a stupid question. You know exactly where you went wrong... It was after you killed that baby then blamed it on Poland." China said.

"That was an accident."

"No it wasn't."

Soviet glared at China, "I was drunk."

"And you weren't supposed to be. That child was your flesh and blood. Your's and Reich's baby, and you killed it. I don't remember the kids name, but after that baby died you decided to replace him with North Korea."

"I don't need to fucking hear this..." Soviet got up and angrily walked out of the room.

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