Chapter 23: Free

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China heard a knock, "There's a doorbell, who the hell would be knocking?!" He walked to the door then put his mask on. 

When he opened the door he let out an abrupt gasp and took a step back, "How the hell did you-"

"Someone bailed me out. Whoever it was, must be a very rich guy since they managed to do that." China was nervous. He was used to seeing him in handcuffs and behind a glass window. "Papa... Why are you here?"

The Russian man glared at China with his one eye, "No one fucking believed me when I said that you were just like me and they still don't, but I'm going to prove to everyone that your a murderer!"

"Good luck with that. But I'm guessing your under house arrest right now because I studied law, there's no way they would let you roam around just like that. And since me and my brothers are your next of kin, you have to stay here with us. So come inside." He let out a frustrated sigh and motioned for Soviet to come in.

Soviet walked into the house then looked around, "This place is huge... How did you manage to afford all of this?"

"Drug dealing." He said jokingly and referring to the last time he saw Soviet and he thought that China was a drug dealer. Soviet rolled his eyes in response, "How did you really manage to afford this?"

"I'm a scientist, I get paid for doing experiments and finding out things people are to stupid to figure out. I also invent things that'll change the world. Of course, I also use this knowledge to my advantage when it comes to non-consensually experimenting on people."

"Non-consensually? Do you mean, forcibly experimenting on people?"

China simply shot him a glare then rolled his eyes and didn't answer that question. "I hope you go back to jail."

"I hope you get caught."


China and Soviet looked at North Korea who seemed frightened at the sight of his father. Soviet smiled a bit, "Hey North it's nice to see you again-" North Korea hid behind China and was afraid that Soviet was gonna hurt him and his brothers.

Soviet sighed softly and understood that North was afraid of him so he left him alone, "Anyways... China..." He looked at the winged country and was about to say something but the sound of knocking interrupted him. China gasped, "That must be him-!" He said then quickly went to the door.

Soviet looked at North, "Who was he expecting?" North merely shrugged in response then took a step away from his adoptive father. Soviet frowned a bit and decided to keep his distance from North as to not scare him.

China opened the door and smiled under his mask when he saw someone there, "You must be the receiver, correct?"

A man nodded his head then gave a friendly smile, "Yes. May I have my package?"

China got out his phone then looked at something on it, "So your name is Turkey?"

The man nodded once again, "Yes. So where is it?"

China looked inside at North and Soviet, "North, could you show our father where his room is upstairs?" That was more of a demand than a question and North Korea knew that if he didn't China would get pissed so he nodded then grabbed Soviets hand and dragged him upstairs.

China smiled then turned back to Turkey, "Come inside." Turkey walked inside then looked around at the house, "Nice place ya got here."

China closed the door and immediately both of their demeanors changed from friendly to serious. "Where's the package? I haven't got all day China."

"She's here... I just would rather be paid before you take her. Do you have the money?" China asked.

Turkey scoffed, "I need to see her first before I buy her off of you. If she's not worth it I don't want her."

China rolled his eyes, "Fine, but you can't take her untill you've paid."


They both shook hands then China led him to the basement where Greece was. They both went down the stairs and walked towards Greece. "And there she is. You want her or not?" Chian asked, he was getting annoyed that Turkey wasn't just giving him the money already.

"Hold on! I wanna inspect her first!", Turkey glared at him. China rolled his eyes, "Fine, just hurry!"

-Transphobic slurs and sexual harassment

Turkey smirked a bit then grabbed Greece's ankle and pulled her towards him. The tape was still over her mouth so everything she tried to say was just muffled.

The Turkish man slowly slid his hand up her shirt and she squirmed around trying to get away from him. He felt her chest for a few seconds then moved his hand down to the rim of her pants.

At this point she understandably was extremely uncomfortable so she kicked his leg in an attempt to get him to stop touching her.

Obviously this made him angry so he slapped her. She started to tear up and whimper a bit.

Turkey huffed a bit then slipped his hand into her pants then gasped and immediately tok his hand out, "She has a dick-?!"

China looked at him, "What?! I didn't know that she was a tranny!!"

After that Turkey and China started arguing about if the price for her should be lowered or not because she was in fact transgender.

Meanwhile, Greece felt extremely violated and embarrassed so she broke down crying.

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