Chapter 9: Eyes

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America glared at Vietnam, "So exactly why we're you trying to kill Canada?"

Vietnam huffed, "I was paid to."

"Paid? By who?" America asked. Vietnam shrugged, "I don't know. He refused to give me his identity. He only texted me." America hummed in thought then looked at her, "What was the number of the phone he was texting you from?"

"3**-***-****" She replied. (Obviously I'm not gonna put an actual number there and I'm to lazy to make one up)

America wrote the number down, "Thank you." He stood up then walked out of the room. Canada was there waiting for him, "So, what was her problem?"

"She was paid to kill you. It must've been the murder no doubt, he knows were on to him and is trying to stop us. Vietnam had been texting him and she gave me his number, so now we need to track it down."

Canada smiled, "Great! This case is easier then I thought! We just need to track down the phone and we find the criminal!"

America nodded then smiled back, "Let's get to it then."

~With China~

China walked into the basement while putting on his usual black rubber gloves and looked at Taiwan, "嘿。" He looked at the table where he kept his tools, "I don't think I'll be using much of those today... I have a better idea."

Taiwan was too weak to try to escape which was kinda disappointing to China, "You're not gonna put up a fight? Boring, at least let me hear you scream."

He got a small pair of scissors then cut out the stitches in Taiwan's mouth, "Anyways, I've been thinking... The most painful way to die would be either drowning or burning, right? Most likely burning though... Yes fire would be a painful death if the smoke doesn't suffocate you first..."

Taiwan whimpered, "What are you gonna do to me? Please just make it quick and kill me.."

China chuckled then looked at the furnace that wasn't that far from them, "You see that furnace? It has coals, very hot coals." He grabbed a pair of tongs then walked to the furnace.

If Taiwan had a heart, it would've been pumping really fast because he was nervous about what China was doing. "You're not gonna do what I think you're gonna do... Right..?"

China ignored him and grabbed a burning coal with the tongs then went back to Taiwan. He looked into Taiwan's open chest, the forceps were still holding the large incision on his chest open exposing his ribs and lungs.

China put the coal against on of his lungs and watched at Taiwan squirmed around and hissed in pain. Tears were forming in his eyes he tried not to yell out in pain as to not give China the satisfaction of knowing he's in control... Although he already was.

China removed the coal then dropped it, "It's not as hot as I want it to be anymore... I'm gonna have to go get another. Stay here, well, not that you're going anywhere anyways." He chuckled a bit then went back to the furnace.

He grabbed another coal with the tongs then went back to Taiwan this time forcing his mouth open then shoving the burning hot object into his mouth and keeping it there.

Taiwan screamed in pain and tried to move his head away but China used his other hand to hold him in place and keep him from moving. After a few seconds more he removed the coal then tossed it on the floor.

"That hurts doesn't it? I warned you not to piss me off. You remember Philip right? He made good food but he did try to poison me. I had to deal with him. I made sure that he got a taste of his own medicine so I force fed him food with rat poison for a week before finally it killed him. You thought I fired him but no, I killed him. In a slow and painful way, like that I'm doing to you right now."

Taiwan let out a few sobs trying to ignore the burning feeling in his mouth. China grabbed Taiwan's hair then made Taiwan look at him, "What was it that you tried to do? Hook my little brother up with his biological brother? Tsk tsk, I told you I didn't want you doing that... North Korea stays here with me. So does Russia. Thanks to you, North knows he has a biological twin and now he wants to see him."

China glared at Taiwan, "Now, how else can I punish you for that?"

Taiwan whimpers and sobbed he tried to apologize and plead with China but his tongue was severely burnt so he couldn't talk properly.

The sadistic country smirked a bit, "I have an idea... Since you wanted North to see his stupid brother, you won't be able to see at all." He put both his hands on both of Taiwan's cheeks, "This is gonna hurt. A lot."

China shoved both of his thumbs into Taiwan's eyes earning more painful screams from the smaller country. "Stay still you little bitch-" He continued to shoved his fingers into Taiwan's eye sockets then proceeded to gouge them out.

Taiwan was breathing heavily and trying to get over the pain and shock. China looked at the eyeballs that were now in his gloves, "My father was a cannibal.. When he killed people he'd feed their meat to me and my brothers... I kinda got addicted to that."

China popped one of the eyes into his mouth then chuckled, "Little  do my brothers know but I'm doing the exact same with them now." He put the other eye into a jar, "I'm gonna go pay my favorite detective a visit again~"

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