Chapter 18: Fear

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Canada groaned as he woke up and felt a searing pain in his head. He wasn't wearing his favorite raccoon hat and felt a strange warm liquid trickling down his face, "What the hell...?"

His eyes tried to adjust to the dimly lit room seeing only a metal table with dark stains on it. He tried to move but his hands were chained above his head and his legs were strapped down against the wall behind him.

"Alright Canada, remember your training- Don't panic..." He said to himself, "Now what was the last thing I remember...?"

The Canadian made sure his breathing was steady and tried his best not to panic. Panicking would only make this situation worse and wouldn't allow the detective to think properly.

Canada sighed softly, "I was looking for America because he hadn't come to his job which was unusual... I looked in the last place he said he'd be which was in that forest where there was unusual activity... I found a wooden cabin there and saw someone in there... Then I was knocked out-" He recalled the events that happened a few hours ago and tried to find an explanation for what happened.

He heard a door creaking open then footsteps that were getting louder the closer they got. Eventually China came into Canada's view, "Oh, hello Detective. Lovely to see you again."

Canada glared at him, "I knew there was something off with you... What did you do to America?!"

China took off his mask then smiled a bit, "Oh he's fine. Unlike how you'll be in a few minutes... Though if there's something I've learned during my time of torturing people such as yourself is that they die too quickly when they're in so much pain. So instead of putting you through all that I'm gonna try something a little different."

"So you've killed before... Who were your victims? South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and The Philippines? Is that what happened to them?!"

China smirked, "Japan's dead. Taiwan's dead. The Philippines... Well he's literally a dog now."

The detective was confused by that last part but shrugged it off, "What about the kid? South Korea?"

"I may be a sadistic cannibal but I have... Some... Morals. I wouldn't torture or eat a child. I like to give children quick and painless deaths then I give them to their parents so they could be buried. South didn't have parents he lived in an orphanage so I buried him in a graveyard myself."

Canada spat at him, "You're a fucking monster! That kid did not deserve to die!"

China gave Canada a disgusted look as he wiped the Canadian's spit off of his red and yellow robe. "I may be a cannibal but that's disgusting. And, this robe was expensive-"

"I don't give a damn about how expensive it is! What I want is for you to let me and my partner go!!"

China laughed a bit then got out a syringe and pressed on it very slightly allowing a drop to come out of the tip of the needle. He flicked the needle then looked at Canada's arm, "Now, I'm gonna need ya to stay still. It'll hurt a lot if I miss my target."

Canada tensed up a bit, he was never a big fan of needles. He hated them a lot, the reason being that the doctor that his father took him to when he was a child.

This doctor would stick a needle in him and whatever that man injected into him made him feel very weak to the point he couldn't move or even speak. When Canada was in this state the doctor would sexually harass him so I'm sure you understand where this fear of needles comes from.

China noticed Canada tense up so he let out a soft taunting chuckle, "Oh wow, I haven't even started and it looks like I already found a weak spot~"

Canada looked away and held his breath in an attempt to stop his heart from racing. China put the needle up against Canada's side, "What's wrong big guy? Not so tough anymore?" He continued to tease the bigger country.

Canada shut his eyes tightly, "J-Just get it over with..."

"As you wish." China stabbed the syringe into Canada's side and injected whatever was in it into him. Canada's breathing hitched and he started to pass out because of his fear.

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