Chapter 15: Smart Dog

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Philip had a sausage in his mouth and was running away from Greece, "Hey!! That's mine! Drop it!" She yelled at the dog. Russia and North Korea were watching them thinking that this situation was funny. Philip eventually stopped and just ate the whole sausage right in front of Greece.

Greece sighed, "That was a part of my dinner..."

Philip happily trotted over to Russia and sat down next to him and let out a bark. Russia chuckled and patted Phillip's head. "Can you please control you dog?" Greece asked, trying to be polite.

Russia shook his head, "Nope. He has a mind of his own."

"Ok-- Oh dear look at the time! It's getting late, time to go to bed guys."

Russia and North groaned and Philip barked and growled in disapproval. Greece looked at Philip then crossed her arms, "Thanks to you I'll be going to bed on an empty stomach."

Philip tilted his head as if he didn't understand but obviously he did. His tail was wagging and looking at Greece with innocent eyes.

The doorbell rang so Greece went to go see who was at there, "Who the heck is here this late?" When she opened the door she saw Canada there, "Can I help you-?"

Canada showed her his badge, "I'm Detective Canada Ottawa, I have a search warrant so if you don't mind I'll be searching the house for anything suspicious." He gave Greece his warrant then walked inside.

Immediately Philip ears perked up and he looked at Canada and ran up to him and started barking. The detective took a step back, "Is this dog aggressive?"

Russia shook his head, "No sir, he's just happy to see a new visitor."

"Ah ok." Canada patted the dogs head. Philip's tail started wagging and he let out a whining noise and jumped up and down excitedly then ran to the basement door and started to scratch at the door.

Canada looked at the door then looked at Russia, "What's behind that door?"

North Korea tensed up and Russia put his hand on North's shoulder, "Nothing it's just a basement sir..." Russia said. Canada hummed a bit, "Ok then you wouldn't mind me taking a look."

Russia was now getting nervous, "There's nothing in there!"

Canada ignored him then opened the door and saw-

Nothing. It was clean in there. No signs of torture or murder.

Philip went into he basement and whined. He sniffed the ground hoping to find something, anything that'll get China in trouble. Russia looked into the basement, "I told you there was nothing in here."

"Ok then. I'll be searching the rest of the house either way." Canada walked out of the basement then started to examine the house. Greece was confused about why Canada had a warrant to search China's property, "Why are you here Detective Ottawa..?"

Canada looked at her, "I'm guessing you work for Mr. Beijing, correct?"

Greece nodded, "I'm the new Babysitter, this is my first day working here."

"Well, the reason why I'm searching the property is classified." The detective said. Philip whined then ran to the back door and scratched and sniffed at it.

Russia opened the back door and Philip ran out to the tree in the center of the garden and started to dig where China had buried Taiwan's body. Russia gasped and immediately went to go stop Philip while Canada noticed and decided to take a closer look.

Russia panicked when he saw Canada was now there right next to him, "Ph- Sunshine! Cut that out! China doesn't want you digging here!!" He pulled Philip away.

Canada looked at Russia, "Do you have any shovels?"

Russia shook his head in response while Philip ran into the tool shed and dragged a shovel out to Canada.

"Good dog." Canada smiled and grabbed the shovel, "You have a very smart dog." He said then started digging where Philip was. Russia let out a shaky sigh then looked down avoiding eye contact with Canada.

After a while of digging Canada stopped, "Is that a-"

"Please don't get my brother in trouble!!!" Russia automatically said. Canada looked confused, "It's a dead cat-?"

Russia looked into the hole and saw the cat China had put in there previously, "Y-Yeah... Um... It's our neighbor's cat-"

Canada chuckled, "That's why you were so nervous?! Calm down kid it's not that bad."

Russia let out a nervous chuckle, "Haha- Yeah sorry about that..."

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