Chapter Ten: Snow Wars

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“Caput Draconis.” I said the the Fat Lady, who looked at me displeasingly.

    “Correct but, you are not a Gryffindor.” The Fat Lady said to me. I frowned as she looked down at me. I should have known the portrait might be against me entering without a fellow Gryffindor. This is that time when I really wished Fred and George was here.

    “A friend told me to wait in the Gryffindor common room.” I told her.

    “And who is this friend of yours.” She asked, rasing a brow at me.

    “Lily Moon, I came here with her to find Fred and George last time, which was about two months ago.” She looked up thoughtfully, seeming to try and recall the moment when I last came here.

    “I do remember that. I guess you might as well come in, though, if you get in trouble it’s not my fault.” The portrait swung open, and I walked in. I noticed that there was no one in the common room at the moment, since they were all probably down at dinner. 

I made my way over to a corner in the room before looking through the book I had once more, seemingly reading the cover over and over again without my knowing. 

    I sat down and opened the book at random, hoping I would pop up onto the page I was supposed to be reading. Though, not towards my luck, I was founded with the Pixie-bite antidote once more. I cursed before flipping through the pages.

    It seemed that he tried to give me the page that was hardest to find, which I could most definitely see him doing. Or, the book was hexed where the pages change places as I open the book over and over. I tried to read a book that did that before, it was not easy.

    “Why are you in the corner? There are plenty of seats by the fire.” I looked up to see Lily smiling at me, holding a whole bunch of food in her arms.

    “I, um. What's with all the food?” I asked her.

    “Aren’t you hungry?” Lily asked as I stood, I realised that I had actually been starving the whole time, as my stomach felt as if it was pleading for food, I nodded shakily before she headed over towards the fireplace.

    “Take your pick.” I sat down next to her as she presented a huge assortment of sandwiches, a plate full of mash potatoes, and another plateful of spaghetti, I took the mash potatoes and a grilled cheese. She handed me a fork as I began to dig in, she herself helping herself to a sandwich and spaghetti.

    “This is so good..” I said, my face stuffed with food.

    She giggled a bit before taking a bite of her sandwich. I took out a roll of parchment from my bag and opened the book, and finally as Lady Luck was on my side, it opened to the page for the doxyvenom antidote.

    I then took a bite of my grilled cheese, taking my quill out of my pocket, which had been starting to poke me ever since I tumbled up the stairs earlier. I sat my plate to the side and pulled the book onto my lap.

    “So, are you sure the other Gryffindors won't mind? I mean I could see a couple people wondering why a Ravenclaw is in the dormitory.” I asked her.

    “I think if we say we're studying together, that should be good enough. Since the library closes in an hour or two.” She said, I smiled softly as I pulled out my ink bottle and dipped the quill into the bottle, and began to write down the ingredients.

    “Yeah.” I looked and noticed that there were only a few ingredients. Fire seeds, graphorn horn, billywig stings, and chizpurfle carapaces. Which the hardest to draw would most likely be the graphorn horn.

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