Chapter Three: One Inch Potions

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The next morning was the most interesting morning I had ever had, even as a witch who grew up in a wizarding family. I forgot to write my letter to Delator last night so I had to wake myself up early so I could do that.

Even as I entered the great hall Hogwarts still had some surprises up its sleeve. The many many staircases for one was very hard to maneuver around, the ever enjoyable food that just appeared like that. Not to mention how I recently realised how many people attended Hogwarts.

The owl post came in and owls were everywhere, it took a moment before my mothers family owl reached me, swooping down elegantly and placing a letter with a box of sweets on my part of the table.

"Thank you Himbul." I said to the owl as it nipped me affectionately. I gave him a bit of my sausage before he flew off back towards my house.

I opened the letter to see it was from Delator, since the handwriting was very messy. I scanned the letter as I read it aloud in my head.

Dear Blaze
I hope you are having a great morning! Did you make it to Hogwarts? And what house did you get in? I'm betting on Gryffindor. Also, did you get to meet the Weasley's? I know you like to talk enthusiastically about how it would be brilliant to meet them. Well mother didn't want to write until you wrote first but, she did have me pack the box of chocolate frogs and brownies for you.

Your one and only,

I smiled at that and took the letter that I originally wrote and crumpled it, taking out a new piece of parchment to respond, telling him that I got into Ravenclaw and I got to meet the Weasley twins. I then folded up the parchment and placed it in my pocket so I could take it up to the owlery after classes.

My first class of the day was Transfiguration with Slytherin, which I already dreaded once I read the schedule. Though, since I heard that Mcgonagall was a teacher we should not take lightly, it made it less dreadful.

"And Herbology with Slytherins?! This is not going to be what I expected. I bet we were the only class with Slytherin twice!! Talk about dumb luck." Lisa complained before shoving the schedule into her pockets.

"Well, we have Charms with Gryffindor so I guess that will be fun?" I commented as I folded my own schedule into my pockets. I shoved the last piece of biscuit in my mouth before standing up.

"We best go get our books. I wouldn't like to be late on our first day and I don't think you would either." I said to Lisa as she stood as well and we headed off towards the door.

As I thought, Transfiguration wasn't too bad, Professor Mcgonagall gave a very lengthy explanation about how important Transfiguration was and how we really needed to take it seriously. She also showed us a cool trick by turning her desk into a pig and a goblet into a frog, then turned them back.

A couple Slytherins made a few side comments but didn't realise that Mcgonagall has all ears. She took a few points from Slytherin before she frowned at those who were talking, which included Draco.

"And I do not tolerate rude side comments about my class and how I am teaching it, Mr. Malfoy." A couple Ravenclaws sniggered as he glared relentlessly at her and us.

Charms was also tons of fun, maybe even the funnest. First off we had the Gryffindors in our class and most of them were all really cool. Padma's sister, Parvita was in the class as well and Hermione was also in the class.

Second off our teacher, Mr. Flitwick, told us that only today would be a lesson in our books, for our next meeting we would immediately start working on spells from making things levitate to making objects cook dinner for you. The whole class got really excited.

"My mum does it all the time," Lisa commented. "She once made a whole feast with only the wave of her wand."

"I personally like cooking by hand, though my house elf, Minn, does it with magic." I said as we took a few notes for the class.

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