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Suddenly groans and low murmurs could be heard from Eri's room.
Midoryia sighed, "I guess there really is no waste of time"

Suddenly the murmurs went out entirely.
He teleported to Eri's room and she was gone.

"And she's attacking Tokyo.

Better go find her before she accidentally kills someone in class A.
I'd hate if she didn't let me get revenge." Midoryia thought to himself as he teleported to Eri.

She already drained someone of all their blood and was running down the street to get someone else.

"Wow she really mutilated this dude" Midoryia mumbled to himself as he lifted up the very much dead body.

Eri was already gone from the street, she teleported elsewhere.

"She's going to accidentally get caught.
That won't go well" Midoryia sighed as he teleported again.
This time he teleported right Infront of her.

She bumped right into him, her eyes glowed a hyperpigmented crimson red, she wasn't in control.

Blood dripped from down her lip.
Midoryia looked around, it was only the beginning of the night people were 100% still out.

Luckily they were both in an alley way.

"Out of my way!" She screamed as she tried to push passed Midoryia.

Midoryia chuckled and flicked her forehead, "calm down"

"Huh?" She looked up at Midoryia and recognized him.

She calmed for a bit but it was short lived.

Eri teleported out of the way and went on another murder rampage.

"Considering she just managed to teleport with only 20 seconds in-between she must've killed at least 3 people.

That's impressive for such a short amount of time.
Wonder how she'll react once she's calmed down.

I should probably stop her. It'd be bad if someone grabbed her but I doubt they'd live to actually do anything with her" Midoryia sighed as he teleported again.

When he teleported this time instead of Eri killing someone else Eri was getting strangled.

"Wow I'm surprised someone managed to get her down" Midoryia said as he slashed the person's throat releasing Eri.

Eri fell to the ground, her eyes back to their normal shade. She was back.

"Why am I covered in blood...
Deku what happened..?" Eri asked as she got up.

"I'll explain in a bit. You kind of gathered a crowd" Midoryia said pointing out the very obvious bunch of heros that stood at the entrance of the alleyway.

"I did?! how??" She cried.

The low ranking pro heros stepped back In fear once they noticed who they were staring at.

Midoryia gave them a side glance, making one of them fall back in fear.
Midoryia could only smile.

"Well look who we have here" Midoryia chuckled as he turned around completely.

Eri stood by his side, blood dirtying her face and clothes.

"I needed a meal, I guess I no longer need to search now".

Midoryia approached the 10 small time heros who crowded the alleyway.

"Can't a guy go on a killing spree with his sister without people getting in the way?
Ugh the nerve you all have" Midoryia spat as he slashed 5 of their necks.

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