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Screams could be heard all over Korea as class A attacked and feasted.
Midoryia just sat back and observed.

However in doing so he got shot at by the police that saw him floating in the sky.

He looked down at them and chuckled, "you realize it's pointless."
He flew down towards them, "right?"
He snapped their necks and slammed their bodies against the wall.

"It looks like half the class is done eating while the rest just have a person or 2 to go.

Imma go collect the ones who've finished" Midoryia thought to himself as he snapped his fingers.

He teleported himself and half the class to a rooftop in Korea.
Blood was pungent in the air, the class had blood all over their mouths.
However guilt was eating them up, you could see the stress eating at them as they stood before Midoryia.

"It looks like you all had a feast." He chuckled, "how was it?" Midoryia wore a smug grin as he stared them all down.

"Y-you made us m-monsters like you!" Kaminari screamed as angry tears stung at his eyes.

"And what about it?
In the end you'll be on the winning side of history. Besides.
You're not even a human anymore, feeling guilty for these things isn't worth it.
Embrace it" Midoryia sighed as he teleported the other half who finished eating up.

"Well now that you've all eaten it's time to return back to base.
It looks like our presence is obvious" Midoryia pointed to the officers that were lining up to shoot them. "It may heal fast but it'll still hurt.
And you're all still fledglings so it'd hurt more than what I feel.

So off we go" Midoryia snapped his fingers and teleported the class back to the base in Japan.

They all glared at Midoryia as he sent them off to their rooms after putting a quirk cancelling bracelet on all of them.
They were mad but at the same time they didn't know what to do.

The next day-

"Breaking news, Izuku Midoryia attacks Japan with...
Class A and their teacher eraserhead. However it seems like Midoryia had them all under his control.

In this incident over 40 people have died, increasing his bounty.
If you ever see him in public do not approach.
He's regarded as a high threat and will likely not hesitate to kill you.

However recently as he's taken control he's said some odd things, why would such an evil person want the other bad people to stop abusing people. Isn't that what he does? Why would he recruit the victims instead of the tormentors?

No one knows.

After his soliders swept through Japan the other day lots of people have went missing.
Officials suspect that the victims consisted of abused and abusers considering that's who he said he'd be taking.

More on this later, coming up.

The weather"

Midoryia turned off the TV and chuckled as he pulled out his phone.
"You have the abusers in one building and the abused in another correct?"

"Yes sir"

"Good. I want you to transform them in the next month but for now give the victims some good treatment.

However give the abusers hell"

"Will do sir"


Midoryia put in his phone back in his pocket and got up.
There wasn't much to do anymore, he had control over all of Japan and no one could do anything about it.

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