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"How did you treat Izuku Midoryia when he lived in your household?" Tsukauchi asked.

"Amazingly, we treated him the way he deserved to be treated" Inko lied.

"You're lying.
What exactly did you do to Izuku Midoryia?
Aizawa files that you've stabbed him before" Tsukauchi sighed.

"I did no such thing?!" Inko lied again.

"If she's stabbed him before so comfortably then it's not the first time she's stabbed him.

So physical abuse." Tsukauchi wrote it down.

"When Izuku Midoryia would come home crying what would you do?"

"Comfort him and ask what happened"

"Another lie.
If she didn't do that she could've either neglected him or verbally abused him."

"How many times did you feed Izuku Midoryia a day?"

"3 times"

"A lie...
So neglect.

Now I need to figure out if she's verbally abused him before"

"Have you ever screamed something at Izuku Midoryia?"


"If she did it once it wouldn't be an issue and she would've said yes, I take it that she's done it multiple times"

"Have you ever insulted your son for being "too weak"?"


"Mental, physical, and neglectful abuse.

They are definitely partially responsible for Midoryia becoming a villain" Tsukauchi sighed.

"From what I picked up, you physical and verbally abused Midoryia as well as neglected him.

This is a crime and is very well child abuse.
You 2 will be sentenced to jail for 15 years since you did 3 forms of child abuse." Tsukauchi announced.

"What!? What're you talking about I treated him the way anyone would've wanted to be treated!" Inko spat.

"Take her away officers"


"Magenta and dragon both facing 15 years in jail for supposedly abusing Izuku Midoryia and technically pushing him to villainy

Earlier today detective Tsukauchi received an anonymous report on Izuku Midoryia and how his parents supposedly abused him since discovering he was quote "quirkless". Due to suspicions they were brought in for questioning and despite denying the abuse detective Tsukauchi has found them guilty for 3 forms of child abuse, neglect, verbal, and physical abuse.

More on their sentencing later." A news reporter said.

Midoryia cackled at the TV, "looks like they finally got caught for one of their crimes.

I wonder when they'll get caught for the secret drug distribution"

"I wonder if Kacchan could get into UA using his old school Id.
Did they issue new ones?

They probably did, they aren't that stupid. I think.

Well they are still confused as to why I'm doing this so maybe they're a little dumb.

Hm, I just noticed something.
Whenever the heros walk up to me there always so scared, like they can't move.

I get I'm a literal Murderer but with the way they're acting it's as if I'm holding their loved ones at gun point.

Does it have something to do with my power?
Possibly strength of power?

Ugh who knows, if they're scared they're scared I'll use it to my advantage" Midoryia thought to himself as he got up.

"Following up, massacre day 3...
Izuku Midoryia and what he claims is his now "army" have killed over 400 people in last night's incident.

However this time it's much different, while most of the deaths consisted of the death with blood draining another 100+ consisted of other murder methods.

Even more breaking news, it appears Izuku Midoryia has the ability to bring back the DEAD as Katsuki Bakugo is seen being controlled by him after 100% dying on live TV and having a proper burial.

Officials believe Midoryia's power is only "getting stronger" as they claim the intense atmosphere around him is

"Only getting more wicked and intense" more on that later" the news reporter continued.

"Atmosphere around me??
What are they saying? That I radiate evil?

Is that why they're so scared?
Makes more sense I guess now that I'm not hiding my intent to kill it's leaking off of me."

He grabbed a blood bag and walked in, Bakugo was again staring at the wall intently trying not to drink blood.

"You've already drank blood before.
There's no point in trying to go against it

Here" Midoryia said tossing the blood bag and walking away.

Guilt was still eating at him because of the fact he's killed 2 people, he didn't understand how Midoryia couldn't feel it...


"Bakugo is back!? Why didn't you tell us!" Kaminari screamed.

"Yeah! We have to rescue him asap!"

"Why would you keep such important info secret!?"

Aizawa sighed as the class verbally attacked him from the dorm room.
He had casts covering his arms, his legs were the only things able to be healed by recovery girl at the moment.

"Do you even know why I'm in an arm cast?" Aizawa asked.

"Midoryia's solider attacked you"

"Technically yes but do you know the person specifically...?"


"It was Bakugo".

The class gasped, Bakugo would have no reason to attack Aizawa so why would he do it?

"W-why would he do that!?" Kirishima spat.

"Midoryia brought him back, remember.
He was the ability to control anyone who he makes sub vamps which means he has no control over his actions.

We managed to capture a sub vamp once but Midoryia was able to teleport him out of the jail cell even though we didn't disclose to the public where the sub vamp would be staying...

He knows where all his soliders are at all times which means even if we did capture Bakugo, when he decides he wants him back nothing can stop him..." Aizawa explained.

"Bakugo is a vampire...?

But if that's true then that means..."

"Yes Bakugo was apart of the 45+ other vampires who took part in the blood parade..."

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