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"Well?" Midoryia chuckled as he glared daggers into Monoma.
Sweat rolled down Monoma's face as thoughts raced through his head.

"If I join him I won't have to deal with that pain again...
But I'll have to work under him, kill people, and drink blood.

If I don't join him I'll have to go through THAT again!

But that girl rewinded me so nothing is permanent...

Be controlled or be in pain...

Dang it. I don't have much of choice here, that pain was hell itself.

But if a join him and people manage to take him down...
They won't take me back they'll kill me along with him.

But for right now he's the winner and he'll torture me until I join..



Midoryia let an evil grin slip past his lips as Iida stared in dismay and utter shock.

"Good choice.
I would've killed you if you didn't join.

Let's see what's today" Midoryia hummed as he checked his watch.
"Still a full moon tonight.
I'll try to get the other on my side and transform them all tonight"

"Well then.
Your punishment is over Monoma." Midoryia turned to Iida and approached him as Monoma let out a relived sigh.


You either join me or undergo your specified punishment"

"I can't join him!? He's a villain!

But I don't want to be punished...

I will not tarnish the Iida family name!
I'll get rewinded back by Eri at the end of this so it doesn't matter...

I'll have to endure it."

I won't join you"

Midoryia chuckled, "I guess that means it's time for your punishment"

Iida's lips quivered in fear as he waited for the worst.

Midoryia teleported out of the room confusing Iida and Monoma.

When he returned he was holding a bucket of weapons and syringes.

"Sure you don't wanna change your mind?" Midoryia sinisterly laughed.

Iida began to sweat nervously as he looked at the bucket full of different torture weapons, all of the weapons able to induce a different kind of horrific pain.

"I cant join him...
Not after all he's done.

But ..

Those look painful...

You can't be selfish Tenya, in the end the heros will win and you'll be on their side!"

"I still refuse to join"

Midoryia chuckled as he pulled out a syringe, "okay then"

Midoryia stabbed the syringe into Iida's arm, injecting a poison into his blood stream.
This poison would cause horrible hallucinations accompanied by pain.

"Iida caused me some pain but not really that physical.
He was just a big snitch.


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