Cobra Kai Never Dies

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(Lost- Frank Ocean) 

The day after the dance, Miguel woke up feeling dismal, his mum had told him there's no way he could go back to karate, that just left the girls as Johnnys students, what he didn't know is even though he had three students, without Miguel he didn'...

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The day after the dance, Miguel woke up feeling dismal, his mum had told him there's no way he could go back to karate, that just left the girls as Johnnys students, what he didn't know is even though he had three students, without Miguel he didn't feel like it was worth it. Over the past weeks he had grown to love him like a son. All three girls had arrived bright and early at the dock, ready to train, they walked right up to the door and tried to open it. It was locked. Stella tried ringing Johnny but it was no use, he wasn't picking up. Aria sent Miguel a text to see if he knew anything, he responded when they were in the car "He said he spoke to hum this morning, there's no dojo anymore" Aria told the girls. They were all feeling sorry for themselves, they had started to really enjoy being at the dojo. "Lets just go to school" Charlie sighed and Stella started to drive.

When they arrived they were met with snorting sounds, people were making fun of Aisha, Charlie ran up to her linking arms "Were all here for you if you need us" she said proudly, shoving a boy in the chest who was making the most noise. They all went to her locker and saw Sam, "How are you feeling" she asked her, Stella rolled her eyes at the question. "Ive gone viral, how do you think I am" Aisha snapped back. "Look, they are mean but they have short memories" Sam started but was cut off by Charlie "Its easy to say when you're not the one being bullied Sam". Aisha slammed the locker and walked off, the girls were about to follow until Kylar ran up behind Larusso. Aria instantly got mad, remembering the state she found AJ in. "Heyy, there's my girl" he said wrapping his arms around Sam, he froze when he saw the girls in front of him, "Got something to say Ky?" Charlie asked smugly, noticing his thick lip and bruised face. "I uh yeah, I'm sorry I hurt Miguel and AJ" he scratched his neck nervously looking down. "Can you make sure you tell Jacob I said that" he added finally making eye contact. Sam was stood confused by the interaction, "Oh your boyfriend here beat up Miguel and AJ" Stella told her. Sams eyes widened as she turned to face him. None of them wanted to talk to her any further so left.

"What does she see in that guy" Aria asked the girls, "who the fuck knows, must have a massive dick" Charlie joked, Stella who was drinking at the time, spat it everywhere at the comment. "Ive just pictured things I never wanted to think about" she cringed, walking into her first lesson. It was pretty dull, Stella and Eli just messed around, they had read ahead for English as they both loved the book. Everyone met again for study period. "So that's it then, no more karate?" Aj asked, Aria shook her head. "Maybe its for the best", "It was starting to boost your confidence" Demitri added looking at the girls and Miguel. Charlie frowned "Isn't that a good thing" she asked, already knowing he was going to be negative. "No whats confidence ever gotten anybody except a black eye and their backpack thrown in the trash". "A lot of girls" Jacob said looking away from his phone. Everyone apart from Demitri laughed, "I thought it was kinda cool how you stood up to Kylar, the boy remembering how Miguel had filling him in this morning. "Are you insane? Let me ask you, what's the best superpower anyone could have" Demitri started again, "Im going to grab a book for class, call me when he's done" Jacob stood up, AJ soon following knowing full well he was going to look in the wrong place. "Invisibility" Charlie stated, she must've heard this rant a million times "Wrong! Invis Wait yeah Well done" he said proudly patting her shoulder. He loved how she paid attention the things she said, even if she denied it. "Second might be super speed to run away fast" he counted on before being interrupted by Kylar. Eli immediately grabbed on to Charlies belt loop so she wouldn't lunge at him. Stella grabbing Miguel and pulling him behind her. Aria and Demitri gathering their stuff from the table. 

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