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"it must be your hormones." yuri paced back and forth.


"it must be your hormones from the way you both are acting!" yuri said, stopping in the middle of her bedroom floor.

you were laid back on her bed, or more like sitting up and having your head on the headboard. "what do you mean?"

"why would you tell his ass you were going to jihoons?"

"to piss him off." you frown. you had told jimin that you were going to jihoons but you knew that you were gonna come to yuris to calm down in the beginning.

"weren't you both pissed off enough?" she asks.

"well yeah yuri but you don't get it." your skin bunches around your eyes. "you know how much me and my daughter went through because of jimins lies?"

yuri plops onto her bed, giving you direct eye contact. "yeah..i remember."

"he has done so fucking much and lied so much to where i can't even give him an ounce of trust." you grunt out; you were getting so angry. "and not even the lies, but the fact that he left just because of his fame? like how could you not want to take care of your kid? how could you leave knowing we had no one?"

yuris first instinct when she seen your eyes began to water was to crawl over to you and wrap her arms around you, which she did.

"and he just thinks i'm suppose to forgive him." you cry. "doesn't he know that minjis gonna remember all of this too? she's happy now thank god, but she's not dumb and she won't forget how it was just me taking care of her."

"and when she gets older she'll find out." yuri finishes for you.


yuri let's out a sigh and rubs your back as tears begin to flow out of your eyes. "i get what you're saying but i also think that jimin is genuinely sorry."

"but yuri-"

"like seriously." yuri continues, "he's made mistakes, a bunch of stupid ass mistakes and you are very, very, entitled to be mad at him.....or even hate him. but jimin can do better, i know it."

"i hear you." you mutter, "but how do i know if this is gonna be any different?"

yuri let's you continue talking, her snapping her mouth shut as her hand continued to rub up and down your back.

"how do i know he won't leave when things get hard with the twins? or if he'll leave if they get even more famous?" your gaze goes downwards when you squeeze your eyes shut. "i can't trust him. he broke me yuri." your lips quivering as you spoke.

yuris expression closed up as she wished there was more she could do. the older girl wanted you and jimin to work out but it just seemed like obstacles had keep getting thrown at you to stop the love between you both; or more like jimins past stopping the two of you. "it's gonna be okay."


jimin was sat on the couch with his face in his hands. he hated himself at the moment; and he absolutely hated the shit that he did when they were young.

everything was going great up until you had gotten pregnant and when him and the group members had began getting recognized. it was just nineteen year old you and twenty two year old him in love but once everything got to his head it's like lies started to spew from his mouth to save him.

he was selfish, and immature.

even if he would've stayed jimin knew he wouldn't have been a good father to minji, or a good boyfriend to you because of the mindset that he had. he knew he would have been the worse at it, and he did not want that.

but he also didn't want what was happening right now. he had made so many errors in his life back then and he was just hoping that you'd trust him to make him right — but he knew it'd be hard and he knew that it'll take a while for him to gain that again.

jimins thoughts get knocked off when he hears sniffling from the stairs. his eyebrows going to turn on one another in confusion; he stands up from the couch, wiping his eyes and going to walk to the steps.

when he does he sees minji sitting on the steps, one hand rubbing at her red watery eyes and one hand on her mouth as if she was trying to stop herself from being to loud at crying.


"d-daddy." minji hiccups, and when she sees jimin the baby starts to cry even harder.

"oh no." jimin walks up the steps at a fastened pace and wraps his arm around the girl, sitting down where she was and placing her on his lap. "whats wrong?"

minji doesn't get any words out because she had started to sob so hard that she couldn't; her head had placed itself on jimins chest to calm down and she did, jimins hand going to rub on her small arms.

"minji." jimin begins to wipe at his daughters face, taking his thumb and wiping the wetness away. "stop crying princess." minji starts to hiccup but she stops crying, her head going to nod as a respond to jimin.

after a while, of jimin saying soothing words to her and rocking her back and forth the girl had calmed down, her face, her ears and her eyes were red.

"what happened?"

"y-you a-and-and m-mommy." she stuttered.

jimin sighs, knowing now that minji heard every word you and him were throwing at eachother.

"y-you a-and-and m-mommy a-a-argue." minjis tongue hurt from the stuttering.

"me and mommy are sorry."

minji shakes her head, her chest going up and down as if she was gonna cry again. "d-don't l-leave me-me-me a-again daddy." minjis eyes get wet again.

"princess i am not."

"i'll m-make sure-sure you an-and mom-mommy w-won't fight aga-again but pl-please do-don't leave us." minji weeped, she looked up at jimin as she waited for his response. the four year didn't understand just yet what the two of you were arguing about but she knew that jimin was capable of leaving and she didn't want that to happen.

"baby i won't." jimin wipes minji eyes. "me and mommy weren't fighting, okay?" he tries to reassure minji but she wouldn't budge.

"j-just p-promise."

he puts on a happy smile for minji, bring his small pinky finger up to hers, "daddy promises, okay?"

minji nods, pulling her finger back to lay back on jimins chest. "and when me and mommy are talking like that i want you know that it's not your fault, but it's ours alright?" the four year old doesn't respond as jimin keeps rocking the both of them back and forth on the stairs.

the silence takes over them quickly as he nearly rocks minji to sleep. all the hard crying she had did made her unable to stay awake —— and in conclusion he had broke the trust of you and minji. some father he was? right?


so uh, thoughts ?

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