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the doctor takes these foot step stool things and places them on the end of the hospital bed.

"could you go and put this on for me?" she pulls out a hospital gown. "dad maybe you can help her." she looks at jimin for conformation and jimin looks at you.

"yeah dad. you can help me." you said in a dry tone, looking at jimin.

doctor lee watches you both and hands the gown to jimin, turning around to the door. "i'll be back in like ten minutes! and i'll knock, don't worry!" she smiles then she was out of the door.

"why do you have to get in this?" jimin opens the gown up, looking at the material.

"she has to search in here." you create a circular motion around you private part.

"ew." jimin makes a disgusted face but it quickly turns into a smirk. "i can stay, right?"

"oh please." you scoff and try to get off of the hospital bed. "just help me."

he sits the gown on the desk and helps you get off the bed, watching as you started to take your clothes off.

"should i like um close my eyes or something?" he looks awkwardly around the room as you began to take now take your bra off.

"please." you ask. pregnancy made you a bit insecure. your stomach was huge and your breast were all swollen, so you didn't really like the way they looked. "okay you can open them."

jimin opened his eyes as he seen your arms covering your breast, and this was the first time he seen your belly without you having anything on; he liked it.

"you're gonna help me? or?" you wait.

"oh-oh yeah." he stutters, grabbing the gown back off the desk. jimin pulls it open and goes to stand behind you. "raise your arms."

you do so, feeling as he wrapped his arms around you and put the gown on, tying the back up loosely.

"there you go." he turns you around to make sure your front was straight.

"thanks." you put on a small grin, watching as jimin looked at you. "okay now stop! you're making me nervous."

"how?" he laughs.

"because you're looking at me."

"it's kinda hard not to." he jammed his hands in his front pockets.

"why so?"

"i always tell you this." jimin rocks on his heels. "i'm starting to think you just like to hear me call you pretty."

"i do." you nod. "say it."

"because you're beautiful." he says.

before you got to respond doctor lee was knocking on the door, and coming in.

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