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"goodmorning." you surprise jimin as he was staring at you while you were sleeping. your had half-lidded eyes staring back at the older, the both of the bags under your eyes now gone.

"goodmorning baby." jimin greets, his voice was sweet.

you blink your eyes trying to ignore the shining light coming through your window, "it's early." you move your legs up jimins since they were already entangled you just wrapped yours around his hip.

"it's is."

the both of you share a moment of looking at one another and before jimin could stop himself, he leans in to taste your lips. he didn't have to worry about any morning breathe because you and him both always made sure you brushed and gargled significantly before bed.

responding to jimin you bring your hands up to cup his face, sighing in pure happiness when he pecks your lips again before pulling apart.

"it's quiet." you whisper, hand moving down to jimins bare chest.

"they're all still asleep."

it had been a month since jae-in was able to be with jimin and since then the boy has been staying with him like the court ordered. they even noticed when the boy would get up to help with his little brothers, not wanting them to wake his dad and his miss y/n up. he even got minji interested in helping, the four year old happily helping her older brother.

"is it too quiet?" you ask.

"wanna find out?"

"how?" you teased, and just with that jimin brings his hand under the thick comforting and slaps your butt, a loud echoing sound going through the room.

"jimin!" you shriek, hitting the boy on his chest. "asshole."

"you love me." he teases, bringing his finger up and poking you on your cheek.

you respond with rolling your eyes. "maybe i do."

"well i love you." the man has a faint red on his cheeks saying that and you can't help but to groan. "what?"

"you're so ugh." you throw your head back on laughter, facing straight again and kissing the older who your leg was still wrapped around. jimin takes his hand and holds the back of your neck, deepening the kiss and pulling you closer to his chest.

"maybe we should ——" you try your best to talk. "—stop."

jimin kisses you again because he couldn't help it, this one lathering on your lips longer before he pulled away. "i want to fuck you." he looks at you then says, "or have sex? — yeah that sounds better."

"jimin!" you hit the boy on the shoulder.

"what?" the man doesn't crack a smile, just moves his hips closer to your front, your leg still being tight around him. "i'm serious." he frowns.

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