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after you all had came from the hospital, jimin was acting weird. it might've been the typical jimin to anyone else but you knew something was bothering the older.

of course he did his regular, carrying minji to her room since she had feel asleep in the car and he had came back for you also — helping you get out the car and having you go to the room.

the doctor had mentioned something after checking your cervix. she mentioned a lot actually; from things like how your hormones would rise in the next few months, to how you and jimin had to chill with the stressful arguments. she had been saying how it was the worst for babies and even though it hadn't show that you'd hurt from that, it'll definitely show in the delivery room.

"you good?" jimin stands at the door, he was still dressed in his clothes and looked quite uncomfortable.

"i'm definitely okay." you scoot further in your bed, pulling the comforter on you since you had gotten cozy. "are you okay?"

the older blinks at you, his mouth opening and closing. you then watched as he bit his lip and walked over to you. "i guess i'm okay."

"i have beef with you jimin." you say, to lighten up the mood but it didn't really work. "but i still want you to be okay."

"i'm fine y/n."

"okay." you throw you hands up in surrender.

jimin walks closer to you and places a kiss on your forehead, pulling back with a straight face. "we'll go to my parents tomorrow, okay?"

"okay." you give him a small smile. "i hope everything goes well."

"don't worry. it will." jimin reassured you before he said his goodnights and was turning around to go out the door.

as soon as he did though you were getting a call from you bestfriend. not to be complaining, you loved her calls — but what was she doing calling so late?

"hello?" you turn on your side, pulling the phone to you ear.


"mhm." you hum.

"how was the appointment?" yuri sounded bored, you could hear it in her voice.

"it was good. the doctor told me and jimin both a lot of things we needed to know about the twins and a lot about me."

"ah" yuri sounds intrigued. "what did she say?"

a laugh escapes your mouth but you cover it up with your words, "stuff on how they'll be way more active now with the kicking and that i'll have to eat right my way for them, my cravings will be there cravings."

"mhm." yuri hums and you hear static. "what'd she say about you?"

"she practically scolded jimin when i told her i was stressed because of him and she actually said that i'll be like very horny the last few months of this pregnancy."

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