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There might be errors. But if you find them, go ahead and alert me!


    "I hate the species of men." I never really pay attention to the things that I do nor say but I'm starting to realize that I should since this world is filled with over-sensitive, up-tight beings.

"You hate what? Honey... I'm going to have to put you back in line."

"I think you already did..." I rubbed my cheek where the braids struck when my over-dramatic friend twisted her neck to glare at me. I noted that I had to be careful explaining my opinions to a butt-hurt baby.

"What isn't there to love about men!?" Here she goes again. Never get Ms Drama Queen's mouth going, because once she starts, you might as well wrap it up; there was no chill button for her.

"My God! We are all entitled to our own opinions, why can't you get that through your thick skull?" I sounded irritated, but there was also amusement lingering in my voice.

"Hun; I'm just trying to make sense of it all! Men are the special antidote in this world we live in! Didn't your dad volunteer to help your mom bring you here 'til this day?"

I cringed. "I get your point but you did not need to go there..."

She sighed. "I'm trying to teach you about the art of men. They might be douchebags, but if you think about it, they did have the time and effort to bring us on this Earth. We should thank them by appreciating them and loving them. Why can't you do that?"

"How the Hell did you get into my life..." I muttered to myself, pressing my fingers to my temple.

"Whatever. I just hope that hunk of meat you're engaged to straightens you out. Maybe even teach you a lesson or two about hating men..."

My BLT sandwich that I ate a while ago was threatening to make a reappearance but I held it down.

"Where are we heading to?" I asked, trying to ignore Stacy's theory and the fact that I was engaged to a scumbag.

"Well... everyone's gossiping about this house on a farm. Rumors say that the people who once lived there were fucking nonstop like rabbits."

"Yuck. It just sounds like some old-perverted homeless man came up with that sick story. This is why I hate people. And men."

Stacy rolled her eyes. "Stop being a hater. Hating gets you no where in life."


Stacy's car suddenly came to a halt and I glanced up to see a beautiful looking house that had a flower garden at the front and big giant trees that surrounded and protected the home. Cars and trucks were parked all over and people were coming in and out of the house.

"I just want to see if there's any clue of 'business' that took place in this house."

"How the Hell are you going to find that out? I told you to stop reading those Nancy Drew books."

"Oh my Lord! Have you ever heard of the five senses?!"

"What...?" I asked in utter confusion.

"You know... the five senses we learned since elementary school?"

I shook my head slowly, signaling that I was still clueless.

"Sight, smell, taste, touch, and hear." Was all she said before busting out laughing and opening the car door to leave. I'm still trying to get her an appointment for a psychologist...

Sighing, I got out of her car and closed the door behind me. As I made my way to the house, I examined the nature that took place outside. The plantation was large; large enough to make a little park that contained a playground, basketball court, soccer goals and etc.

I scoped around to see people walking around and chattering and little kids chasing each other on the big plantation behind the house. Walking up the porch, I noticed a lady dressed in professional attire, handing brochures to everyone that decided to enter the house.

Noticing I was next in line, the lady locked her eyes on me and smiled kindly.

"Why hello darling; care to take one of our templates?"

"Sure." I smiled as she handed me one.

"Enjoy the tour."

Walking into the enormous house, I slowly gaped up at the ceiling and my eyes viewed a chandelier high above me. Walking down the large hallway, I examined the polished wood floors and the paintings that was held on the pebbled walls. This house was just too gorgeous...

I glanced to the left to see Stacy talking to some man and I hesitantly made my way towards them. Stacy catches my eyes and motioned me to come to where she was standing.

"Caira; this is William. He's going to be our tour guide."

As I walked in front of him, he converted his eyes to mine. His icy blue eyes seemed to be hauntingly burning into my soul. Gulping nervously, I smiled shyly and said, "The name's Caira. It's nice to meet you." We entwined hands and I couldn't help but not look away at his fiery gaze.

"Pleasure to meet you as well. Mind if we start right away?"

I shook my head.

William and Stacy were already heading towards the kitchen so I made myself tag along. He showed us the granite counters and everything else while he mentioned something that I really wasn't intrigued to.

Next we went upstairs once he showed us the dining room and an office where the recent husband used to work at.

"There's another room up here, but I don't know; people get a little uncomfortable when they enter it." He says once he took us to all of the rooms.

"Psh, please; we got strong guts. Am I right or am I right, Caira?" Stacy said with so much enthusiasm, it made me roll my eyes.

"If you guys say so." I didn't say shit, but I guess I had no choice but to see the room.

We followed him down this large corridor that was completely abandoned. We could hear the large amount of people chattering faintly in the distance as we came to a wooden door at the end of the hallway.

William got out a key that was in his pocket and he put the key in the lock. The door opened with a creak and once we walked in, we were engulfed with darkness. I heard William turn on the lights and it took a minute until the lights came on.

My eyes bulged out of their sockets. "Holy shit..."


You guys, I'm having so much fun with this book already lmao. This is my first book so I would like feedback!
Should I keep goin' or nah, because I'm really feelin' this book right now so I would really like votes and comments!
Stay pretty!😏

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