6//Veins and a Steamy Dream

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Another update boos! You guys, I just realized that guys in my class have those veins popping out of their forearms. Like, it wasn't even there but all of a sudden,"SUPRISE MOTHAFUCKA" oh lookie, they have them! I really think boys should chill the fuck down on jacking off, don't ya think? LMFAO
Anyway, enjoy and remember to Vote and Comment!

Chapter 6//

"Caira; that's my boyfriend over there."

"That's your boyfriend? With those veins popping out of his forearms? Man, I swear all boys have those freakin' veins popping out of their forearms. They must take their masturbuation very seriously... What has our generation come to?"

Stacy rolled her eyes. "I think it's sexy on all boys. It's yummy..."

"Nah, it's just weird on boys..."

I realized Stacy's new boyfriend was coming towards us. "Sorry guys. I had to help the moving people lift heavy boxes up to their new home."

He was covered in sweat and his shirt was half-soaked.

"Damn baby, you're drenched." Stacy says, practically eye raping him.

"I know. I'm in need for a hot shower..."

"Oh yeah?" Stacy smirked and slowly walked up to him. "I'm in need for a fine piece of ass like you to pound into my pleading c--"

"NOPE! I'm not hearing you guys talking nasty for shit! But I know exactly what you guys need; a bible session with a cup of holy water!"

Stacy's boyfriend smacked his lips together. "Cock blocker."

"I don't care. You guys can do the dirty when I'm not around, but this is a no-no. Now... lets get something to eat."

"I already ate." Boytoy groaned and now I was the second to smack my lips together.

"What did you eat?"


Ignoring the nasty joke he made, I said,"Well you're about to eat some real food. And I'm pretty sure Stacy's crusty ass cooche didn't make you that satisfied."


Laughing and dodging a punch from a mad-looking Stacy, I began to sprint towards my car.

"C'mon you hoes, hurry up!"


As we got situated in the booth, Stacy's boyfriend, Ryan, excused his self to go to the bathroom, leaving me and Stacy on our own for now.

We both ordered what we wanted to drink and that left the waiter to go get it.

"Did I tell you that Donovan is actually beginning to work-out?"

Stacy's eyes widened and she banged her hands on the table. "What?! Are you serious?!"

"Mhm and it's pretty weird. It's very unlike him to just think of working out all of a sudden. And actually doing it. I don't even get to see him most of the times, because he's gone to the gym. That guy can stay in there forever!"

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