2//Bye Felicia

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Chapter 2//

3 weeks later...

  "Boy, if you don't get yo big orangutan lookin' titties-" I quickly made monkey noises, "-to that house, I swear I'm going to cut off yo' dick and shove it far up your fat ass!" I hung up the phone and sighed frustratingly.

     "Looks like you're up early for a morning roast." I heard my brother, Myles, say with amusement in his voice.

     "Don't play with me right now. I'm 100% done with my 'soon-to-be-husband.' He was supposed to be taking the moving truck up to our new house but his lazy ass decided to grab a quick bite first. Oo-weee, when I get my hands on him, I'm going to strangle the living s-"

    "That is no way to be talking to your fiancé, Caira!" I heard my mother yell from wherever the Hell she was.

    I just wanted to die already. Covering my face with my hands, a muffled scream erupted from me. Stress does not look good on a 17 year-old. I'm only seventeen, I'm literally still a kid!

      Grumbling to myself, I got up and decided now was the best time to leave this house. I just wanted to get away from the memories and other crap. I also needed to get away from my dear mother.

    "Please don't leave me." Myles pouted, hugging me tightly.

      "You know I love you. I wouldn't leave you here with the Grudge."

      I kissed him on the forehead and patted his head.

      "You be good now. I don't want to hear anything bad about you little boy. You hear?"

      He nodded.

     "Bye Caira! Call me once a week!" Why she always buggin'? It's not like she cares anyway. Muttering an 'okay,' I waved at my little brother before exiting out the place I called home. But not anymore.

      Walking up to my car, I was about to get in when a voice stopped me.

     "Hey! Aren't you that girl who bought that house on the farm?"

        I looked up to see my next door neighbor behind me on the sidewalk holding his dog's leash tightly in his fist. I saw him before, but we never communicated.

     "Yes... and may I ask why you're asking?"

        His lips twitched into a smirk and I had to stay completely still so I wouldn't shudder in disgust.

       "Have you heard about that place? Shoot; I would be damned if I had to live in that house." I caught his southern accent and I narrowed my eyes on his blue ones.

      "What do you mean? There's nothing wrong with the house..."

     He snickered. "Keep telling yourself that sugar but you're lying to yourself. There's all sorts of evil in that house. One time I went in it for a tour and I could sense this force that was inhuman-like. I'm telling you; that place is no good..."

      I snorted. "You're just another hillbilly that believes in that shit. Get your head out of your ass and how about yo' country ass leave me the fuck alone!" Call me mean, but as I told you before, I hate guys with a fiery passion. You can pretty much tell...

      He wasn't phased at all by what I just told him. In fact, he kept telling me the stupid story. "Haven't you heard of the couple that lived there before? Believe it or not, they're still living in that house. And I heard when a couple moves into their home, they'll take advantage of you. Shit, they'll make you have sex 24/7."

     Who the fuck comes up with these stories?! Rolling my eyes, I said, "Whatever Buck Willis, I still don't believe you. And you'll never make me believe."

       He smiled kindly at me. "Oh sugar, you'll believe me once you step foot in that house. I'm hoping you and your fiancé don't have a bad relationship and fight all the time..."

      I laughed. "Well we're enemies so what's your point?"

     "The point I'm trying to make you understand is the dead couple will not back down without a fight. They'll make you change you and your fiancé's point of view on each other and they'll make you fall in love..."

      I scoffed. "I'm tired of hearing your bullshit. Dismissed."

      I waved him off and hopped into my car. Starting the ignition, I honked my horn so he would move out the way. Flicking me off, he started down the street, walking his dog.

      This is exactly why I don't communicate nor do stuff with men. I swear I'm going to die a virgin. Even if some dead couple tried to make me have sex with my fiancé, they better recognize that I'm a tough cookie.

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