8//I Fucking Hate You... But I Love You

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*I love the new and improved Donovan😏
I'm updating a lot peeps, hooray!

Chapter 8//

"Stacy, this is nerve-racking for me! How do you think I feel?"

Stacy smiled at my anxious state and I huffed in frustration. "Girl, just relax and sit down. You've been active for the last ten minutes."

I'm pacing around the living room while my favorite show "Kenan and Kel" plays. But Kenan and Kel was irrelevant to this situation. I haven't even been sleeping a lot, because of the thought of seeing Donovan with a six-pack was scary, yet exciting. I was completely knackered.

"You need to chill out---"

"Don't tell me to chill out! If you were in my place, you'd be an exhausted, stressed out wreck!"

Stacy sighed. "C'mon, sit down."

I frowned, plopping down on the couch besides Stacy with my arms crossed.

"You'll be okay, hun." Stacy rubbed comfortable circles on my back, making me loosen up.

"I hope so."

Stacy came once I told her the news that he would be coming here tonight. I told her that he has changed. A lot.

"I can't wait to see this hunk of meat! Mm, I hope you two have a great time with each other tonight!"

I blushed furiously. "Stacy! Nothing is going to occur tonight!"

"You don't have proof of that. It all depends on how well he worked out..."

"He said he had a six pack."

"Yep, y'all fucking tonight. You 'bout to get some sex!"

I smacked her thigh really hard and she only busted out laughing. "Let me take this call real quick."

She stood up and went in my room to talk to the person on the phone. Sighing, I watched TV to calm down my nerves. A part of me really wished he didn't lose weight but yet another part of me wanted him to. What is wrong with me?

I heard a car door slam shut outside and I widened my eyes. He's here you bitch, get the fuck up!

But as I heard distant footsteps, my legs literally stopped working. I couldn't get up.

The door slowly opened and my heart felt like it was about to burst because of the intensity of the rate. The door closed, then heavy footsteps made their way. I really wish I wasn't here right now... Maybe if I---


The voice boomed in the quiet house, making my hands clammy.

"Aren't you going to see me?"

For effect, I slowly twisted my head behind me. And what I saw... was... Was...

Who the Hell...

My lips slowly parted at what was standing a couple inches away from the couch.

"H-How d-did... w-what... uhm..." Was my greeting. Pathetic, I know.

Donovan chuckled, biting his lip.

There stood this tall, muscular man---
This couldn't be Donovan...

with strong cheekbones and a sharp jawline---
This couldn't be Donovan...

When was his lips so full and pink?
This couldn't be Donovan...

This man had on a tight fitted t-shirt that showed off his abs and how muscular he was.
This couldn't be Donovan...

Hold up, wait a minute... his veins are showing on his forearm?!
This man couldn't be Donovan!

"Now that is some illumanti shit right here." I looked away from Donovan and watched as Stacy pointed to Donovan. "Boy, you look fwine..."

I looked back to see Donovan smirking. "Thanks."
He looked down at me and we locked eyes with each other.

"Caira you've been awfully quiet... what are you thinking about?" Stacy asked.

"I don't know, I'm just... Wow..."

Stacy snickered. "I bet you ready to hop on that---"

"Stacy..." I said in a threatening voice.

"I was going to say horse!"

Rolling my eyes, I looked back at Donovan. "I guess you won the bet. Now; what do you want from me?"

His eyes had darken once I asked the question and there was some glint in his eyes that made me coward away. I had to stare at his lips to not concentrate on his eyes. Oh his lips...

"I'll tell you later." Was all he said, making me even more scared.

"Well, you guys have fun! I'm going home now! Caira, call me tomorrow and tell me what y'all did." She whispered the last part to me and smiled innocently at Donovan.

"Donovan, I love your transformation you sexy dog and I just wanted to say congratulations! I'll see you guys later."

Stacy was quick to leave and slam the door closed behind her, leaving me and Donovan alone. Kill me...

I jumped slightly as I saw him walking towards me. He sat down next to me on the couch and he looked at me. I have never stared the long at a guy before. Just thinking about it makes me feel like a hoe.

"You wanted to talk about the award I wanted from you?" He asked, his tone in a low rumble. How did his voice get so--- please shut the fuck up, mind! It seemed that I had no words to form so I just slowly nodded my head.

He didn't say anything for a while. He was gaping at my features and I ended up getting self-conscious.

"You're so beautiful, you know that?" I had to do a double-take. Did he really just say that?

"H-Huh?" I asked, shocked.

"I've noticed your beauty for a long time. But it's weird; you don't recognize it yourself. Why do you hide your attractiveness, Caira?"

I looked in his eyes and found out he was serious. He really did think I was pretty...

"Why are we talking about this?" I asked, confused and flattered at the same time.

"Because no one had ever confronted your beauty before. I just thought I had to tell you."

Blood rushed to my face and I coughed awkwardly. "Uhm... Thanks?"

"You shouldn't have your hair always down." I gasped as he took off my hair tie that was on my wrist. "I want to see your face." As his rough, but soft hands scooped up my short hair, tingles erupted on my scalp, making my face flustered. I didn't notice I was leaning in to his touch until his hands departed away.

I felt like screaming as his eyes danced around my face in amazement. "So beautiful..."

Why was he being nice to me? All the names I called him, all the things I did to him... he's still caring about me?

My heart fluttered and I shakily sighed.

"I can sometimes fucking hate you... but at the same time... I still love you."

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